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XR1000 Issues

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I'm recently new to duma - with a XR1000 I'm having issues.

1. This operation is taking longer then expected. Please wait briefly before using this R-APP.

I have factory reset the device many of times and this error appears near enough minutes after a reset just seems so buggy and everything takes ages to load I have set the start up from 3 - 5 which hasn't helped at all either. Yes I HAVE REINSTALLED THE FIRMWARE with the latest and factory reset after still no fix.


2. Netflix cause packet loss.


Soon as a device plays netflix you can't game as the packet loss appears anything from 0-44 % soon a you stop netflix the packetloss goes away you can game again.

Yes I am using PPPoE for connection .


3. Could you add in QoS service for shadow

I use a streaming service for shadow gaming service just like geforce now is there a possibility could add this in QoS under Traffic Prioritization .

Thank you



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Welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear that, how have you been performing the factory resets? Via the button on the back or through the software? 

Are you noticing this error message across multiple different browsers?

Are you using QoS? How do you have it configured?

We can look into adding Shadow, in the mean time you can probably find the ports is uses and add this into traffic prioritisation.

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Thank you


Mainly via reset button on the back and couple times via software,  which is preferred?

Yes seeing this message across multiple browsers and devices nothing seems to work.

Yes got QoS enabled as default mainly have played with between auto setup down to 85% on each. Also using bandwidth allocator aswell.

That would be great if you can add shadow,  I did try and add ports manually but packets stayed at 0 on both.



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What firmware version are you on? I'd suggest resets via the interface for when you have access and reserve the button for when you don't have access. 

You mentioned resets but have you just done a reboot as that usually resolves this error.

We usually recommend 70% as a starting point so I don't think you've got that low enough. 

What is your exact physical setup?

What are the ports for shadow and how did you make the rule?

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Ports for shadow are 8001 to 11299, I was making them in traffic prioritising under qos that correct to the certain device?


I will move them down to 70% now 


A reset resolves it for maybe half hour them issue occurs no matter what 



I have xr1000 connected to a hg612 unlocked modem so it's connected via pppoe



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I'll try a reboot and let you know,


Another question when setting my qos it still give full speed to other devices let's say 32meg is the limit and rest is overhead, but how would I control allow shadow to have most bandwidth so netflix and downloads don't interfere with packetloss,  so it shadow was using 25meg I would have 7 left for other devices is tbat possible?


Thank you

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So Traffic Prioritization actually supersedes QoS so that will get as much bandwidth as it needs on those ports. You could do it with Bandwidth Allocation but as it currently is you'd need to assign each of the other devices a certain amount of bandwidth as well so see how you get on with Prio first.

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I have factory reset via interface atm no rapps errors,


Setting bandwidth to 70% and I now my ports to shadow working however still have the issue of it using the full bandwidth available on other devices say I had 32 Meg and I'm using prio to manage ports for shadow I can see the packets being used while.im.on shadow however if you play netflix I can see packet loss because its using the full bandwidth available can you help with this thanks 

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You may need to set Congestion Control lower, try that first but if not then on Bandwidth Allocation, disable Share Excess for download and then give each device an allocation - this is a hard limit but will achieve what you want.

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Thanks Fraser,


I noticed my R-APPS error has appeared again not sure why?


Also if I have congestion control auto enabled am I correcting in thinking if my traffic prio ports are inactive my speed will go back to the limit? Then when I enable my laptop and traffic prio sees packets will that auto enable my congestion control ? 


It also appears my upload speed is not been limited either no matter how low I set it .



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Yes Auto Enable and the percentages you have set will only kick in once Traffic Prioritization is prioritizing a device/game, if it isn't then Congestion Control would act as though it was set to 100%. Are you using IPv6, VLAN or PPPoE or anything like that? Do you have Armor enabled? How long before the last reboot and now did it take for the error to appear?

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Yeah that auto enable is not working at all - yes pppoe enabled


 vlan or ipv6 or armor 

R APPs error appeared less then 24 hours I can't do any speedtest or connection benchmark just fails.

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Okay please do that and then see if QoS behaves as it should and see if the error disappears. It should be fine either way but if it doesn't happen this way then we know that is the cause of the issue and we can fix it.

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Right not sure now but my traffic prio doesn't work all packers are at 0 even for DUMAOS CLASSIFIED GAMES - I feel this firmware is so buggy - this morning no wifi devices would connect without a reboot.

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