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Hi guys,


Yeah working now but the camera then buffers and times out after 15 seconds or so. Ill need to investigate 


Ive also noticed the attached that keeps filling the log the miniupnpd fail

Any ideas?


Screenshot_20210204-233251_Chrome Beta.jpg

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  • Administrators

We couldn't use the wildcard so there may be some subdomains that need to be added specifically. If there are let us know what they are and we can add them as well. Try disabling QoS as well completely. That could be related possibly if there is some entries missing

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Hi guys its possibly a port issue but since that change im getting errors in the logs on opening ports.

For testing purposes ive opened from 1-59989.

My old ports that were open even though i deleted them remain open... My new ports are not open.


Screenshot 2021-02-09 at 09.54.14.png

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