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Ping Test (Under Load)


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I have the R2 3.0.179 and am on PC for call of duty. My ping test under load never gets above a D...speed test and ping test get As. Not sure what the issue is, can you help please?

I also have a strange open nat issue maybe you can help with. On Cold War COD I get open, but on MW COD I get moderate and of course this is with using the same pc for both games. 
Any suggestions?

thank you for your support. 


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You will need to experiment with your Congestion Control sliders while using Always to see if you can bring down the Ping Under Load results to more closely align with the results on the Ping Test, so set a percentage, do a test, set a percentage, do a test etc until you find what works best. That is very odd, it may be the Geo-Filter causing a misreading, if you disable this then boot up the game does it appear open?

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Yea messing with the sliders fixed my Ds and now I get all As...thx. 
I’m not completely sure what you mean by turning off the geo filter. If you mean delete my device from the ADD DEVICE selecting located at the top left corner of the geo-filter map, then yes I did that that and no change to nat type. 


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Oh yes I’ve definitely had issues with the nat type in the past. I also own the XR500 and had issues with it with both games. Currently the R2 was set back to factory settings and at the moment the only thing that was messed with was the qos sliders and geo-filter.  
My isp modem currently has the DMZ enabled and that address appears in the wap in the system information. 

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They both use the same ports so this shouldn't be an issue which makes me think it is a misreading. You could try putting the PC in the DMZ briefly and see if that works - if it doesn't then it is definitely game side.

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  On 1/23/2021 at 2:42 AM, plscarpenter said:

That suggestion also did not work. 
I’m really thinking it’s an in game issue...it just doesn’t make sense that they would be different from the same pc. 


Exactly, there is no reason for them to be different. The DMZ basically passes all traffic to the device so ports aren't an issue so either the DMZ doesn't work which is unlikely or the game is not reading the NAT status correctly - they have never been super reliable in my opinion. As your NAT will actually be open you won't have any issues in that regard.

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