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Homie there is a new firmware since yesterday aka .52 and they finally fixed the major problem of ''connection benchmark'' (NETDUMA:  it's the first time since DumaOs 3.0 that the  Connection Benchmark (especially the stress test) properly work on any Duma Os router so you guys should see the change on this firmware to properly fix these connection benchmarks problems we face since day 1 of connection benchmark release into duma os 3.0 ....and then apply this one to every other duma os firmwares like URGENT !!!)  my false results for last months were telling me my line was struggling at +50ms while my line is 10ms and lower .... since yesterday i'm under 10ms while stress test and from begin to end of the test, while until yesterday the upload was spiking at 100ms first then was dropping between 10 and 20ms !!! Also my xr500 on same line still spike as today and my download still pretend being over 50ms while stress...but switching on xr1000 with yesterday's new firmware aka .52 all 3 stress tests are under 10ms from start to finish !!!

As for you homie... listen to this as i won't repeat... you can't setup your XR1000 via pc or it will never work properly !!! Only like that on XR1000 and since day 1 i got it aka months before public release !!! So only for the XR1000 you absolutely need to use a wireless device with the netgear nighthawk app just to do the initial setup...  here's the steps i do:

firrst you should go download the .52 firmware on netgear's site and then update the xr1000 via WIRED device like pc\laptop... impossible to tftp the xr1000 sadly so just update it via duma os control panel... let the xr1000 reboot by itself... then, still via wired pc... (also possible via wireless for that part) go in duma os advanced settings to start a factory reset of duma os, as soon as you see the lights closing on the xr1000 you should rapidly reset pc internet connection and erase cookies from web browser then shut pc off... like it all need to be done before the xr1000 fully reboot. So now your pc is off and your xr1000 have rebooted... factory reset the modem\aio to prevent a lot of conflicts between modem and xr1000... wait till modem lights are all on and steady... meanwhile you should start nighthawk app on wireless device (i use my phone) start the basic instal with it... ''WARNING'' don't change wifi name or password while in the first setup, NEVER !!!  Just change the admin and password credentials but not the wifi creds !!! Once you select the wifi,entered admin and password, let wifi infos untouched, then it will start enabling the shitty forced anti-virus but it won't activate it (it needs to be enabled only and via the app is the only way to properly enabling it so that's why we have to use the nighthawk app just for the basic setup) then the instal will finish and ya'll be back normaly in the nighthawk app... from there you just go on setttings and select Reboot... once the reboot has started you close the app and power off that wifi device !!!

So now your xr1000 have rebooted... just start wired pc and go on first to enter into duma os... then change wifi creds and lan adress aka your xr1000 adress (not forced but it help) then reserve ip addresses to pc... start and connect every devices you have but 1 by 1 only...and name them properly and reserve them an ip... at least do the devices you have with you... you want to do every devices that hook to router before going further... if you can't add them all then i'll tell you soon what to do when you'll add another device later on !!! Aright so you changed wifi creds and added every devices to your setup plus you reserved them individual ip's .... now go on device manager... change the type of devices accordingly to what the device is... except for pc... pc NEED TO BE SET AS XBOX !!! Normally pc is detected as pc...change it to xbox then apply then refresh webpage... the pc will automatically change to consoles... it's not good we don't want that but it's normal... just change it again for xbox then apply and refresh webpage... not it should stay as xbox with a controller as logo !!! Once they all properly set... go down on that page and disable DUMA OS CLASSIFIED GAMES... add your consoles\pc\devices that you want to prioritize...one by one and as consoles (WARNING WARNING WARNING --- Only on the xr1000 we now have more options in device prioritization but they all broken... the one and only you can use as right now is GAMING\VOICE and DON'T TICK WAN !!!) it's broken as fuck and seems that they mixed wireless into device prio so that cause so many problems like you can't join any of your friends ect !!! Refresh the webpage... then press on RESET DISTRIBUTION... once it's done just refresh webpage... now click on the burger logo beside Bandwidth Allocation... click on DEVICES instead of apps... NEVER USE APPS...NEVER !!! Once you selected Devices you close that burger icon and you want to press on UPDATE DISTRIBUTION which will be on download... once it's done click on Upload and also UPDATE DISTRIBUTION... so it result in you apply new distribution to both download and upload... when both update distribution are done you then can refresh webpage and go check to confirm your settings are applied properly (they'll stay exactly as you set them, if they don't that's most likely because you took too much time so the xr1000 will need a confirmation that you are the admin still... if that happen just re do the exact steps but a bit faster ;) ) now upper left of that qos page... Congestion Control burger logo... select SET BANDWIDTH SPEEDS and enter the bandwidth of your line... aka download and upload ''speed''(it's not speed it's bandwidth... speeed is latency aka ms !!!) then Apply and close that shit... refresh webpage... now you can confirm your bandwidth you just set by looking at right side of those 2 slidders... if these numbers ain't the numbers you just set then you didn't apply so re do it... if it's ok then next step !!!

Set congestion control at ALWAYS... then set both slidders at under 10 so 1 to 9... you'll get a warning saying you set slidders under recommended bla bla bla... just tick the DO NOT SHOW case... now you're on always and both slidders are under 10... just select AUTO-ENABLE... it will pop the same warning... close it... then select NEVER... you'll also have a warning... but now you passed every warning there and have properly enabled the qos... just select AUTO-ENABLE or ALWAYS depending on what you prefer !!! Now last thing ... set both slidders at 70 so 70/70 !!! Refresh webpage !!!

Now qos is fully done... go on Geofilter and set your home closer as you can from your real world location... set radius to lowest aka 111km... set ping assist to just a couple more ms than your lowest dedis ping.... you can use ping heatmap to ping the dedis on the game you play and then let's say your 2 lowest pings are 19ms and 21ms... then set your ping assist to 23ms or 24ms !!! Make sure you add your console upthere on top of geofilter page... set it at CHOOSE MANUALLY and FILTERING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It won't be available if your device type is not in consoles so that's why i said if you play on a pc you need to set it as xbox and not consoles or pc (the logo of that device)so if that's the case then just change the device's icon in devices manager to xbox or playstation... for pc i strongly recommend xbox and not playstashit !!! Since you have a ps5 then it should be set as playstation !!! So you just added your console to geo filter !!! Reboot xr1000 and now you can start enjoying it without any major problems !!!

Here's how to optimise your setup... while you play you should use a wifi device to manage your duma os... i use and reccomend phone... never use the nighthawk app again except for next firmware after a factory reset... instead to manage duma os you want to use a web browser on a wifi device (because no restrictions on wifi but so many on lan so that impact the real stats) so while you play... you want to be on qos page and chnge the slidders by increments/decrements of 2 so +2 -2 .... you almost never have to touch the download side but if you have to it should be for lowering it because download bandwidth is almost always higher than upload. The optimal is to achieve a perfect balance between download and upload so that result in the best compression possible (like a motor need perfect ratio between gaz and air) so on internet lines you want to play with the upload to elevate it a bit !!! So download should stay at 70 and you should raise the upload by +2...then refresh the webpage (if changes you just made disappear it's because you took too much time between changes so xr1000 needs authentification again... just refresh and re enter latest settings then apply and refresh page again to confirm the changes are applied) when changes are properly applied you should test for seconds to a minute and raising it again until every bullets hits and register like you on steroids  😛 ah ah ah The max you can bring the upload is 98... don't go higher !!! If you add another +2 and then bullets registers a bit less then try another +2 ... if still not properly registering then lower by -4 since it was your last best spot... don't forget to refresh webpage to confirm any changes you made... bullets should be back as ultra registering... at that exact spot you should let it and enjoy your gaming session !!!

Please note that really often... changes are made via downloads\updates and\or via SILENT updates in background of either duma os or the games... also from your isp... so you can be lucky and playing for a week at same exact slidders settings but then boom it plays like shit again... just re-calibrate aka re optimise your slidders until you find the new sweet spot ;) !!! Still by increments\decrements of +2 -2 !!!

Last thing... if you add new devices... either you add a bunch of devices or 1 by 1 at different times.... you have to reserve an ip adress to every devices... on any duma os router... ALWAYS !!! After reserving ip's you go on qos... RESET DISTRIBUTION then right after you UPDATE DISTRIBUTION ON BOTH DOWNLOAD AND UPLOAD then you refresh the webpage... once done you reboot the router and then you can use your setup properly !!! Same if you remove a device... reset distribution and apply update distribution to both then reboot router !!! That will make sure the router equally divide the bandwidth to the proper number of devices hooked to it !!!

DON'T ACTIVATE\ENABLE IPV6... DON'T TOUCH IT AT ALL UNTIL SOMEONE LIKE ME PROPERLY CONFIRM IT'S NOW PERFECTLY WORKING... it's been broken for months now and it takes a bit of time to re factory and re-do every setttings... you can if you properly understand everything i'm saying and if you have a big brain and free time to spare on fixing things 😛 ;) !!!

If you enable ipv6 and it doesn't properly work...disable it,,, then go in qos and disable qos via the burger icon top left of qos page... once done just refresh the page... 2 things can happen... router is broken so nothing will show after the page reloads and so ya'll see the qos is not disbled... if that's the case... just reboot router and then enter in qos and go disabling it again and refresh webpage !!! The other outcomes and the desired one... also what would happen if the first time the qos did not disble properly so you would reboot router and go back into qos... disable it then refresh the page and BOOM a WARNING message saying that QOS is disabled.... THAT'S WHAT WE WANT... just reboot the router again... reboot devices also like the wired pc ect !!! Once rebooted go back in qos and enable it... refresh the webpage and voilà no more warning saying qos is disabled... now reboot for the last time and then you'll be able to enjoy your setup as it will have fixed the qos !!!

LAST IMPORTANT THING... i do that everyday and be reccomendiing it for years to everybody... including here in the duma army... i ALWAYS reboot router before gaming sessions aka once a day at least !!! First reason is to prevent congestions and left overs problems ect... but NOW there's an even more important reason... they secretely added an auto cloud update while the router boot.... so by just rebooting your router before gaming session you free it from the jobs it was holding... and you update the cloud at same time so you'll always have the proper and latest dedicated servers list from the netduma cloud (and if you don't know our gaming sessions extremely depends on their so broken cloud) and if midgame you feel the gameplay have suddenly changed without you changing slidders ect... or if the game specifically tells you that an update needs to restart the game or whatever some in thoses lines... then just power off your console and reboot your router to make sure changes are been properly applied everywhere... then start playing again... if from there your bullets are not registering like before... just optimise your setup via the upload slidder like i told ya !!!

ps: if you have factory your modem\aio... depending on what it is... like modem you have nothing to do... but aio (modem and wifi combo from isp's) you might need to properly set it too (like if you have creds to enter it or if it's a pppoe line !!! Also if your line is pppoe the best is to set xr as pppoe so it will bypass the aio(making the aio work as a passtrough) but you first need to enter the aio to disbled wifi... then you switch to the xr and you then set xr as pppoe with your isp credentials !!!

And factory reset the aio\modem is because strangely... only on xr1000... sometimes you can't find internet at all while initial setup... so that's when you absolutely need to factory reset the modem\aio so you can finish the initial setup via that crappy nighthawk app !!! I personally always factory reset it when switching routers or updating\downgrading firmwares (i have R1...some xr500's...xr1000) so there is no conflict into that modem\aio and the router i use !!!


Sorry it was long but i need to make sure everything is clear and understandable for everyones who will read so they also can fix their routers !!! That setup technique is working the same on any and every duma os routers except that only xr1000 need the initial setup via nighthawk app !!! For other duma os routers it's the same steps but via wired pc and with them you still never change wifi creds... you only change admin and passord to enter the router but not wifi settings... also the speedtest will never apply properly even if it shows your proper actual bandwhidth so no need to do it again and again until proper speed shows... you'll still need to change it in qos !!!

Take care... enjoy your gaming sessions while the holidays guys... Peeeaace !!!  DMC

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3 hours ago, DMC_81 said:

Homie there is a new firmware since yesterday aka .52 and they finally fixed the major problem of ''connection benchmark'' (NETDUMA:  it's the first time since DumaOs 3.0 that the  Connection Benchmark (especially the stress test) properly work on any Duma Os router so you guys should see the change on this firmware to properly fix these connection benchmarks problems we face since day 1 of connection benchmark release into duma os 3.0 ....and then apply this one to every other duma os firmwares like URGENT !!!)  my false results for last months were telling me my line was struggling at +50ms while my line is 10ms and lower .... since yesterday i'm under 10ms while stress test and from begin to end of the test, while until yesterday the upload was spiking at 100ms first then was dropping between 10 and 20ms !!! Also my xr500 on same line still spike as today and my download still pretend being over 50ms while stress...but switching on xr1000 with yesterday's new firmware aka .52 all 3 stress tests are under 10ms from start to finish !!!

As for you homie... listen to this as i won't repeat... you can't setup your XR1000 via pc or it will never work properly !!! Only like that on XR1000 and since day 1 i got it aka months before public release !!! So only for the XR1000 you absolutely need to use a wireless device with the netgear nighthawk app just to do the initial setup...  here's the steps i do:

firrst you should go download the .52 firmware on netgear's site and then update the xr1000 via WIRED device like pc\laptop... impossible to tftp the xr1000 sadly so just update it via duma os control panel... let the xr1000 reboot by itself... then, still via wired pc... (also possible via wireless for that part) go in duma os advanced settings to start a factory reset of duma os, as soon as you see the lights closing on the xr1000 you should rapidly reset pc internet connection and erase cookies from web browser then shut pc off... like it all need to be done before the xr1000 fully reboot. So now your pc is off and your xr1000 have rebooted... factory reset the modem\aio to prevent a lot of conflicts between modem and xr1000... wait till modem lights are all on and steady... meanwhile you should start nighthawk app on wireless device (i use my phone) start the basic instal with it... ''WARNING'' don't change wifi name or password while in the first setup, NEVER !!!  Just change the admin and password credentials but not the wifi creds !!! Once you select the wifi,entered admin and password, let wifi infos untouched, then it will start enabling the shitty forced anti-virus but it won't activate it (it needs to be enabled only and via the app is the only way to properly enabling it so that's why we have to use the nighthawk app just for the basic setup) then the instal will finish and ya'll be back normaly in the nighthawk app... from there you just go on setttings and select Reboot... once the reboot has started you close the app and power off that wifi device !!!

So now your xr1000 have rebooted... just start wired pc and go on first to enter into duma os... then change wifi creds and lan adress aka your xr1000 adress (not forced but it help) then reserve ip addresses to pc... start and connect every devices you have but 1 by 1 only...and name them properly and reserve them an ip... at least do the devices you have with you... you want to do every devices that hook to router before going further... if you can't add them all then i'll tell you soon what to do when you'll add another device later on !!! Aright so you changed wifi creds and added every devices to your setup plus you reserved them individual ip's .... now go on device manager... change the type of devices accordingly to what the device is... except for pc... pc NEED TO BE SET AS XBOX !!! Normally pc is detected as pc...change it to xbox then apply then refresh webpage... the pc will automatically change to consoles... it's not good we don't want that but it's normal... just change it again for xbox then apply and refresh webpage... not it should stay as xbox with a controller as logo !!! Once they all properly set... go down on that page and disable DUMA OS CLASSIFIED GAMES... add your consoles\pc\devices that you want to prioritize...one by one and as consoles (WARNING WARNING WARNING --- Only on the xr1000 we now have more options in device prioritization but they all broken... the one and only you can use as right now is GAMING\VOICE and DON'T TICK WAN !!!) it's broken as fuck and seems that they mixed wireless into device prio so that cause so many problems like you can't join any of your friends ect !!! Refresh the webpage... then press on RESET DISTRIBUTION... once it's done just refresh webpage... now click on the burger logo beside Bandwidth Allocation... click on DEVICES instead of apps... NEVER USE APPS...NEVER !!! Once you selected Devices you close that burger icon and you want to press on UPDATE DISTRIBUTION which will be on download... once it's done click on Upload and also UPDATE DISTRIBUTION... so it result in you apply new distribution to both download and upload... when both update distribution are done you then can refresh webpage and go check to confirm your settings are applied properly (they'll stay exactly as you set them, if they don't that's most likely because you took too much time so the xr1000 will need a confirmation that you are the admin still... if that happen just re do the exact steps but a bit faster ;) ) now upper left of that qos page... Congestion Control burger logo... select SET BANDWIDTH SPEEDS and enter the bandwidth of your line... aka download and upload ''speed''(it's not speed it's bandwidth... speeed is latency aka ms !!!) then Apply and close that shit... refresh webpage... now you can confirm your bandwidth you just set by looking at right side of those 2 slidders... if these numbers ain't the numbers you just set then you didn't apply so re do it... if it's ok then next step !!!

Set congestion control at ALWAYS... then set both slidders at under 10 so 1 to 9... you'll get a warning saying you set slidders under recommended bla bla bla... just tick the DO NOT SHOW case... now you're on always and both slidders are under 10... just select AUTO-ENABLE... it will pop the same warning... close it... then select NEVER... you'll also have a warning... but now you passed every warning there and have properly enabled the qos... just select AUTO-ENABLE or ALWAYS depending on what you prefer !!! Now last thing ... set both slidders at 70 so 70/70 !!! Refresh webpage !!!

Now qos is fully done... go on Geofilter and set your home closer as you can from your real world location... set radius to lowest aka 111km... set ping assist to just a couple more ms than your lowest dedis ping.... you can use ping heatmap to ping the dedis on the game you play and then let's say your 2 lowest pings are 19ms and 21ms... then set your ping assist to 23ms or 24ms !!! Make sure you add your console upthere on top of geofilter page... set it at CHOOSE MANUALLY and FILTERING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It won't be available if your device type is not in consoles so that's why i said if you play on a pc you need to set it as xbox and not consoles or pc (the logo of that device)so if that's the case then just change the device's icon in devices manager to xbox or playstation... for pc i strongly recommend xbox and not playstashit !!! Since you have a ps5 then it should be set as playstation !!! So you just added your console to geo filter !!! Reboot xr1000 and now you can start enjoying it without any major problems !!!

Here's how to optimise your setup... while you play you should use a wifi device to manage your duma os... i use and reccomend phone... never use the nighthawk app again except for next firmware after a factory reset... instead to manage duma os you want to use a web browser on a wifi device (because no restrictions on wifi but so many on lan so that impact the real stats) so while you play... you want to be on qos page and chnge the slidders by increments/decrements of 2 so +2 -2 .... you almost never have to touch the download side but if you have to it should be for lowering it because download bandwidth is almost always higher than upload. The optimal is to achieve a perfect balance between download and upload so that result in the best compression possible (like a motor need perfect ratio between gaz and air) so on internet lines you want to play with the upload to elevate it a bit !!! So download should stay at 70 and you should raise the upload by +2...then refresh the webpage (if changes you just made disappear it's because you took too much time between changes so xr1000 needs authentification again... just refresh and re enter latest settings then apply and refresh page again to confirm the changes are applied) when changes are properly applied you should test for seconds to a minute and raising it again until every bullets hits and register like you on steroids  😛 ah ah ah The max you can bring the upload is 98... don't go higher !!! If you add another +2 and then bullets registers a bit less then try another +2 ... if still not properly registering then lower by -4 since it was your last best spot... don't forget to refresh webpage to confirm any changes you made... bullets should be back as ultra registering... at that exact spot you should let it and enjoy your gaming session !!!

Please note that really often... changes are made via downloads\updates and\or via SILENT updates in background of either duma os or the games... also from your isp... so you can be lucky and playing for a week at same exact slidders settings but then boom it plays like shit again... just re-calibrate aka re optimise your slidders until you find the new sweet spot ;) !!! Still by increments\decrements of +2 -2 !!!

Last thing... if you add new devices... either you add a bunch of devices or 1 by 1 at different times.... you have to reserve an ip adress to every devices... on any duma os router... ALWAYS !!! After reserving ip's you go on qos... RESET DISTRIBUTION then right after you UPDATE DISTRIBUTION ON BOTH DOWNLOAD AND UPLOAD then you refresh the webpage... once done you reboot the router and then you can use your setup properly !!! Same if you remove a device... reset distribution and apply update distribution to both then reboot router !!! That will make sure the router equally divide the bandwidth to the proper number of devices hooked to it !!!

DON'T ACTIVATE\ENABLE IPV6... DON'T TOUCH IT AT ALL UNTIL SOMEONE LIKE ME PROPERLY CONFIRM IT'S NOW PERFECTLY WORKING... it's been broken for months now and it takes a bit of time to re factory and re-do every setttings... you can if you properly understand everything i'm saying and if you have a big brain and free time to spare on fixing things 😛 ;) !!!

If you enable ipv6 and it doesn't properly work...disable it,,, then go in qos and disable qos via the burger icon top left of qos page... once done just refresh the page... 2 things can happen... router is broken so nothing will show after the page reloads and so ya'll see the qos is not disbled... if that's the case... just reboot router and then enter in qos and go disabling it again and refresh webpage !!! The other outcomes and the desired one... also what would happen if the first time the qos did not disble properly so you would reboot router and go back into qos... disable it then refresh the page and BOOM a WARNING message saying that QOS is disabled.... THAT'S WHAT WE WANT... just reboot the router again... reboot devices also like the wired pc ect !!! Once rebooted go back in qos and enable it... refresh the webpage and voilà no more warning saying qos is disabled... now reboot for the last time and then you'll be able to enjoy your setup as it will have fixed the qos !!!

LAST IMPORTANT THING... i do that everyday and be reccomendiing it for years to everybody... including here in the duma army... i ALWAYS reboot router before gaming sessions aka once a day at least !!! First reason is to prevent congestions and left overs problems ect... but NOW there's an even more important reason... they secretely added an auto cloud update while the router boot.... so by just rebooting your router before gaming session you free it from the jobs it was holding... and you update the cloud at same time so you'll always have the proper and latest dedicated servers list from the netduma cloud (and if you don't know our gaming sessions extremely depends on their so broken cloud) and if midgame you feel the gameplay have suddenly changed without you changing slidders ect... or if the game specifically tells you that an update needs to restart the game or whatever some in thoses lines... then just power off your console and reboot your router to make sure changes are been properly applied everywhere... then start playing again... if from there your bullets are not registering like before... just optimise your setup via the upload slidder like i told ya !!!

ps: if you have factory your modem\aio... depending on what it is... like modem you have nothing to do... but aio (modem and wifi combo from isp's) you might need to properly set it too (like if you have creds to enter it or if it's a pppoe line !!! Also if your line is pppoe the best is to set xr as pppoe so it will bypass the aio(making the aio work as a passtrough) but you first need to enter the aio to disbled wifi... then you switch to the xr and you then set xr as pppoe with your isp credentials !!!

And factory reset the aio\modem is because strangely... only on xr1000... sometimes you can't find internet at all while initial setup... so that's when you absolutely need to factory reset the modem\aio so you can finish the initial setup via that crappy nighthawk app !!! I personally always factory reset it when switching routers or updating\downgrading firmwares (i have R1...some xr500's...xr1000) so there is no conflict into that modem\aio and the router i use !!!


Sorry it was long but i need to make sure everything is clear and understandable for everyones who will read so they also can fix their routers !!! That setup technique is working the same on any and every duma os routers except that only xr1000 need the initial setup via nighthawk app !!! For other duma os routers it's the same steps but via wired pc and with them you still never change wifi creds... you only change admin and passord to enter the router but not wifi settings... also the speedtest will never apply properly even if it shows your proper actual bandwhidth so no need to do it again and again until proper speed shows... you'll still need to change it in qos !!!

Take care... enjoy your gaming sessions while the holidays guys... Peeeaace !!!  DMC

What about WAN setups? And what do you use for traffic prios PS5 Cold War? Thanks for the tips bro!

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12 hours ago, fiefo said:

If I remember, your could have programmed R1 to use different QoS algorithm. Why can’t we have those options for an even more advanced router Iike the xr1000? 

food for thought :)

It is something we could potentially bring back in the future, we're working on our Auto QoS at the moment so perhaps once that's ready we can look into it.

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20 hours ago, fiefo said:

What about WAN setups? And what do you use for traffic prios PS5 Cold War? Thanks for the tips bro!

Nothing to change in Wan except if you are making voip calls or video calls and you have problems like interferences\lag\calls cut ect or if your wifi devices don't receive notifications like emails ect... for both the solution is to Disable SIP ALG !!! But as right now there is no problem on theses sides with xr1000 while on xr500 we have to disable it !!!

Second thing is NAT... on xr500 if you have 2 consoles \ pc playing simultaneously and you want them both full open then the solution is to set Nat at OPEN ... but it's not working on xr1000 so let it at SECURED !!! 

For trafic prio like i told you... your playstation 4\5 should appear as Playstation in Devices Manager... if not just change it to Playstation... then in qos devices prio... you disable classified thing... you add a new device... select your Ps5 or any console you're adding... select game consoles (even if it's a PC)... select GAMING\VOICE (Only on XR1000 as of right now)... it's done !!! ;) And like i told ya... 70\70... enter in any COD... open a web browser on a wifi device and go in duma os qos... start playing and raise by +2 your upload until every bullets perfectly register and normaly when that happen you also able to react when you get shot so you have a chance to stay alive instead of never having a chance as soon as 1 bullet hit ya !!! max is 98... never 100... if you raise till 98 and see no change then go down... !!!


Ps: If you use pppoe... set Connection Mode (under your pppoe creds) at ALWAYS !!!

I always disable both share excess before my gaming sessions ... it's really the only way to really maximise the potential of Duma Os !!! It stays way more stable and your tuning is more powerful that way... because when share excess is enabled... it share bandwidth everytime a device access internet, even if in background... so everytime the router try to give it the more bandwidth as it can so that impact the overall stability of your setup !!! When share excess are disabled the router just share equally and the left over of your bandwidth is really left aside so the real ''Less congestion'' on your setup happen !!!

My pleasure homie !!!

Take care... Peeeaace !!!  DMC


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On 12/25/2020 at 12:09 PM, DMC_81 said:

Second thing is NAT... on xr500 if you have 2 consoles \ pc playing simultaneously and you want them both full open then the solution is to set Nat at OPEN ... but it's not working on xr1000 so let it at SECURED !!! 

Thanks for your posts in this thread, DMC - if only I had found them sooner (a lot of time savers in there - XR1000 feels like a buggy alpha release). Is the above why I can never get more than one of my PS5s Open in BOCW, MW etc? Never had an issue with multiple Playstations on my old router (a simple R7000), but with the XR1000 it's always the first to login that gets Open and the other 2 get stuck with Moderate no matter what I do. Not keen on DMZ options as I don't want the whole router in there, and though more relaxed about the PS5s in DMZ it only seems to let me put one of them in there anyway.

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42 minutes ago, fiefo said:

Also for traffic prio what’s the difference between PlayStation device prio and Games Console device and their differences in prioritization 

Are you referring to DumaOS Classified Games and Games Console service?

Games Console service will rely exclusively on a port range, so we know a console uses X ports for communication etc so we'll prioritize these.

DumaOS Classified Games uses more DPI (deep packet inspection) to analyze the actual packets and determining whether it is a game packet and therefore prioritizing that over others.

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18 minutes ago, fiefo said:

When you say more DPI.... you’re saying duma os classified is better than the rest of the prioritizing services?

I'm just saying what each does, that's up to you to decide what gives you a better experience. It won't try to prioritize any unnecessary packets/ports/

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So Duma OS classified, doesn’t go by port but instead each packet on the network, then prioritizing gaming packets.

Games console Service, prioritizes port ranges 

Which one would you prefer for call of duty? @fraser

Separate Question about device manager and PS5. What is better to assign the PS5 to in device manager. PlayStation or Games Console?

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18 minutes ago, fiefo said:

So Duma OS classified, doesn’t go by port but instead each packet on the network, then prioritizing gaming packets.

Games console Service, prioritizes port ranges 

Which one would you prefer for call of duty? @fraser

Separate Question about device manager and PS5. What is better to assign the PS5 to in device manager. PlayStation or Games Console?

It uses DPI for PC, Ports for Consoles. Yes Games Console services prioritizes ports regardless of the device. Honestly either or would work fine, if you have multiple gaming devices and only want that prioritized then disable Classified Games and add it manually. Give it PlayStation device type in the Device Manager.

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