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Packet Loss


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Just checked mine it was fine, is it the original hub or the newest one. I seem to remember ping plotter having a issue with the older hubs and packet loss, i would check my cable in between the hub and the R2 mucker.

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9 minutes ago, Burger100 said:

Just checked mine it was fine, is it the original hub or the newest one. I seem to remember ping plotter having a issue with the older hubs and packet loss, i would check my cable in between the hub and the R2 mucker.

New sky hub 

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I would check the cable first mucker, saying that i have started to get slight packet loss on hop 2 at 7% pinging twitter but the final destination is fine. Seems sky is a bit of pain.


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Thanks for the screenshot, as above, change the cable and see if there is a difference. Also use Command Prompt and ping the router directly, you can do ping -t to keep the ping going and press Ctrl + C to stop, does any packet loss show there?

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Okay that is all fine then, the big graph at the bottom will show if there is any packet loss and there isn't so nothing to worry about. You would definitely know if you had that much packet loss and cmd shows you don't have any.

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I get the same thing happen, do the Windows Game Settings test, then when it fails click fix it, then do it again and then it says open to me which makes no sense so I think it is a false reading, some other options that may help here: https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/hardware-network/connect-network/troubleshoot-party-chat

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