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Traffic prio issue / firmware?


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So I noticed a bug within the traffic prio for .138 

Whenever I had a rule on for my PS4, The  classified game duma traffic prio would start ticking red and would also prio packets. This caused my games to lag and stuff. Whenever it was off, it worked like a charm. But the issue kept happening today after multiple factory rests and reboots. Nothing fixed it.


Downgraded back for .123 which worked , but the WiFi is not good as the .138. 

any help with this?


I used opera and safari browsers and tried incognito window as well. It’s almost like the Duma os is still on regardlesss of being turned off :(


possibly the .129 firmware if anyone has it?

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I have experienced the same when "Classified Duma Games" are priorities. I felt LAG and as if movement in game become hard, find only huge ping games 140 to 150ms. I have disabled the Classified DUma Games and chose Advanced method and put ports for COD. I will test and find out which one is better. 

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The firmware you're talking about isn't officially supported as it's not been fully tested and is much further behind the version we have no so probably best to stay on the firmware that works best for you and wait for the public release.

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