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I was mid game when the Geo-filter crashed and was displaying below error:

RPC error 'ERROR_UNKNOWN': Unterminated JSON encoded object found at position in [] -> stack traceback: ?: in function <?:73> [C]: in function 'assert' ?: in function 'decode' ?: in function <?:117> ?: in function <?:382> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:348> [C]: in function 'run' ?: in function <?:404> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:263> (tail call): ? ?: in function <?:30> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in main chunk [C]: ?

I closed the browser and re-launched it. Still getting same error.

Geo-filter crash.jpg

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