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how to fix lag of Nighthawk xr300!!!!

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hello guys, i have a nighthawk ac1900 c7000v2 cable modem router and on top of that i have a nighthawk xr300 pro gaming connected to that. Whenever playing call of duty modern warfare i seem to be getting a lot of lag none stop its always skipping or bullets dont register. i believe that its because of bufferbloat not to sure. i am connected to the xr300 from my ps4 wired connection. if anybody could help that would be highly appreciated. 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Your modem doubles as a router with WiFi so how do you have this setup with the XR300? Have you put it in modem mode, bridge mode or using the DMZ? Are ALL your devices connected to the XR300? Are you using the QoS on the XR300? It's also important to note that with the pandemic there are a lot more people playing and so the servers are under higher load than normal which can result in lag.

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well as of right now it is doubled so both are working. last week i had the c7000v2 as a modem mode and the xr300 was the router and it was the same problem. yes i am using the QoS on the xr300 and still seem to get the same lag. this lag has been going on before the pandemic also.


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will definitely be putting it in modem mode. i have a ping of 55. my Geo-filter settings are on filtering mode for my console and on the profile i clicked under call of duty which puts me on a 800 km distance. for QoS settings i have my upload and download bandwidth on 300 for both. " when high priority traffic detected is checked and both download and upload for the buffer-bloat are on 70%. i have traffic prioritization unchecked. bandwidth allocation i have it most on my playstation.


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55 ping isn't too bad. Where are you located roughly and what servers are you playing on? Definitely use Traffic Prioritization, that will prioritize your game above all else so will definitely help with lag.

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i am in the east coast ( Pennsylvania ), will activate that. when putting the modem on modem mode would i need to call my service provider to activate the xr300?


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okay so i made the c7000vs as the modem and the xr300 as the router and i dont seem to be getting much lag. the lag is not as bad as it was before but i still get a bit here and there.


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That's great! Well keep in mind that not every game is going to be perfect, there are going to be variables outside your control but it's about making the connection on your side as good as possible. If you want to experiment more then I'd suggest following this guide while hammering your connection with downloads, streams etc and changing the Anti-Bufferbloat percentages until the ping is as low/stable as possible: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

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