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Readable backup of router settings

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Hi Netduma Support.  

Windows 10, Netgear XR450, DumaOS Name: A7Legit, Firmware: V2.3.2.56  

My apologies if this topic has been suggested before.  I did do a search for it but there were no results. 

Current backups appear to be encrypted.  It would be useful if a 'readable' backup of settings could be exported. 

The purpose for which would be for when applying a new firmware version and subsequently performing a factory reset.  

The backup would help users to restore their various settings.  

I realize that each settings page can currently be saved/printed but a central backup file would serve users better.  

Thank you for your consideration.  

-Kevin N


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Could you explain your idea a bit more please as I'm not sure I understand. The backup file will restore your previous settings so how would having it readable help to restore settings, surely this would elongate the process with you applying the settings manually?

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Hi Netduma Fraser,

Thank you for your reply,

It is my understanding that when updating to a new firmware version, the user should NOT use a backup created by the prior firmware version.

It is also my understanding that the user should reset the router after a firmware upgrade.

It would therefore be useful to have a backup with a list of all of the prior settings that could then be manually set in the new firmware.

-Kevin N.


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