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DoS Attacks

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  • Administrators

Hey, welcome to the forum!

You're not actually being attacked and that won't be what is causing your internet to be slow - it just shows connections you have made e.g. Google etc. First start by disabling QoS from the Anti-Bufferbloat 3 line option menu, does that fix it?

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I am still experiencing weird Download Drops but my upload is doing fine. Currently I am just using my Modem for the internet to see if thats the problem but I have no problems until I plug in the XR500. QoS is Disabled. Should I do anything else?

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  • Administrators

Well if QoS is disabled, you should just be getting whatever speeds your modem is providing. Nothing should be interfering with it.

The only thing that might cause an issue if a communication problem between the modem and the router.

On the System Information page in DumaOS, is your WAN IP the same as the IP that comes up if you google "what is my IP"?

If it's not, then perhaps there's some DHCP stuff we need to fiddle with on your modem.

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