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Okay that's interesting. Something to do with IPv6 then...

So what IP address does your computer have? I'm going to assume it's in the 192.168.88.xx range, which is what you want.

Another thing i'd try is to use the username 'admin' (with no quotes) and the password you used before in the previous version.

If all of that fails you might want to do a factory reset with the button on the back, then hopefully you'll be able to get back in with the defaults.


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when I put 192.168.88.xx it say "no such file directory"

I thought it was my laptop coundn"t get to the interface i tried another one and it still didnt work.

Tried a factory reset on the xbox x and it worked for a little while until the next day and the Teredo IP error came back again.

Tried the reset but I can"t get to the Netduma R1 Interface.

I can connect to my router usiing my password with my cell, laptop but the same PW dont work on the interface.

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192.168.88.xx was just an example, the xx being any number. I just wanted to know what IP address has been assigned to the device you're using, so that I can figure out if the router is handing out IP addresses correctly.

When you attempt to get to the interface you need to use "admin" and "password"

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IP (xbox) "teredo problem"

chromebook "interface problem"

As far as the interface my password isnt working its like im locked out.

Is it any kind of way that some one can access my router remotely and see whats going on?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im able to use the ND interface now. My question to you is whats gooing on when your nat type on the xbox x console say "getting info" and it wont let you use party chat but when i clear my alternative mac address it say "nat type open" and i can host a party. Is it the router or modem?

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  • Administrators

Not sure why the MAC address would make a difference there. If you disable the Geo-Filter does it work properly in both those scenarios? You will need to add people to your allow list for party chat and by the sounds of it you may need to do so for NAT as well.

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This is on the router when i  log on the xbox= teredo 192.168.88.xx port =3074 in the UpNp = nat type "getting info" and when i clear the mac address it say demonware port mapping 199.168.88.xx port = 3075 in the UpNp = nat type OPEN

Teredo XBOXONE 3074 3074 UDP
Teredo XBOXONE 3074 3074 UDP
Teredo XBOXONE 3074 3074 UDP
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