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VPN Issue. PrivateVPN


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Hi there !

I have trouble with the hybrid VPN. 

Let me tell you: I m trying to find a good vpn and I find privateVPN who offer no limit in up an download. 

I ve try many script and all of them as the same error of cipher. When I put cipher to 256 and with-no cache option it works. 

I ve put the picture of the normal ovpn files and an other of what I ve put in the router. 

Any idea ?



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Keep in mind that even though you've found a VPN that doesn't limit download you will likely be limited when using it through the router but the great thing about the VPN Hybrid is being able to apply it to specific devices/applications/services so that everything else can run unlimited through your normal connection.

Is that the entire file? Is there anything more at the top? It should start with client so if that isn't there add it and try again please.

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That a why I want to use hybrid vpn :)


As you said I ve put client on top and put the cipher to 128 and cipher error again. 


And when I put 256 and not client on top it works. I really don t know what does it mean. 

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I can't see cipher at the beginnging, could you provide the original file provided to you please and also the log you get when it doesn't work? OpenVPN version is 2.3.4 so if the file is more recent than that it may not work, you could contact them and they should be able to provide you with a working 2.3.4 file.

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I ve tried an other one. The same again, i need to modify cipher to 256...

In attachment you can find the last i used. HK was too far from me ^^

And yes the support of the VPN give me files for openVPN 2.3.X

if i put this :

# Crypto
cipher AES-128-CBC
auth SHA256

it doesn t work.


But if i put this :

# Crypto
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256


It works but i don't know if it s good...


PrivatVPN-US-New York 2-TUN-1194.ovpn

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  • Netduma Staff
5 hours ago, Kanjidragon said:

I have a DNS leak... I hope you will update that soon :)

I'm almost certain that a fix for Hybrid VPN DNS leaks on the R1 is in the works. It's on our radar! :)

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