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XR700 QoS Error and Connection Drops

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I posted this in the Netgear Beta forums, but figured I should probably post it here as well (for ease of visibility to the Netduma folks.)

After installing the latest General Release firmware for the XR700,, I've been experiencing 2 pretty big problems:

  • When loading the QoS page, I'd receive an RPC error popup and after clicking OK, all QoS settings were showing as default. (I thought I'd saved the whole error in a text file, but I can't seem to find it.. sorry. I've seen others post here with the same issue)
    • This has been resolved by updating to the Beta Firmware (
  • At seemingly random intervals, my internet connection will just die for minutes (or in some extreme cases hours) at a time.
    • When it happens, the "Internet Status" will show "Connection Status: Disconnected", but it will still show the IP from my ISP.
    • Ping monitoring shows that the connection is dying between the router and the cable modem.
      • My ping monitoring is watching 5 different hosts, each one hop further from the pining host:
        • Monitoring host is a VM running in Virtualization Station on my QNAP NAS
        • Hop 1 is the IP of the QNAP itself
        • Hop 2 is the LAN IP of the XR700
        • Hop 3 is the WAN IP of the XR700
        • Hop 4 is the Admin IP of my Netgear CM600 Cable Modem
        • Hop 5 is
      • When I experience an outage, the pings die trying to reach Hop 4.
      • See attached screenshot
    • It has happened during periods of high network use, as well as over night when everyone is asleep.
    • I've replaced the Ethernet cable between my Cable Modem and XR700, twice. (each time with a better quality cable)
    • I've replaced my Cable Modem, twice. (Once with a newer unit from my ISP, and most recently with a Netgear CM600.)
    • I've done a full factory reset since upgrading to

I'm at a bit of a loss on what to do next.  I'm debating rolling back to firmware just to rule out that it's not some kind of hardware problem with the WAN port of my XR700.

As I alluded to above, I've been (kinda) working the issue with Netgear (I have an ongoing thread in the Beta Firmware forum), but I haven't gotten a whole lot of response/help there.

Any insights on next steps would be appreciated.


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Thanks for this report. I'll make sure that the relevant parties know about it. Have Netgear staff acknowledged your thread on the beta forum? If not, I can email it to them.

Also we might need to do some testing on our end, although this does sound like a problem with NETGEAR's portion of the software.

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50 minutes ago, Netduma Alex said:

Thanks for this report. I'll make sure that the relevant parties know about it. Have Netgear staff acknowledged your thread on the beta forum? If not, I can email it to them.

Also we might need to do some testing on our end, although this does sound like a problem with NETGEAR's portion of the software.

I have not received any replies from anyone flagged as a Netgear employee in that forum.  Just a forum regular.

If you could do something to get their eyes on it, it’d be appreciated.

Also, if you’re wanting any logs/further information from me, just let me know (and also how to collect them. 😉 )


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