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INFO - DUMA and WhattsApp

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May I optimize WhattsApp use   of NET in DUMA?
Reasons for asking? full story below 🙂

I use WhattsApp on my V10 Honor phone for long videocall.  My V10 connect to my LAN in WiFi.

Really often some call suffer for "poor connection" "re-connect" stuck video, missing words in sounds.... 
.... a Bad Experience at least,
while other calls start and end with fantastic sound and video experience without changing anything.

LAN is mainly without traffic when I call via WhattsApp- say 0,1% or a little more - 81/21M ISP troughput.

When I'm on Cell Network it happens very seldom to have Bad Experience.
Cant remember a so long period of Bad Experience on R6400  but only after installing DUMA in June.

During a Bad Experience if:
 - switching out from LAN (shutting down WiFi) = often I dont even lose connection and the call goes on better.
 - switching to ISP WiFi,   = the calls goes better as well.
 - re-calling after closing the call = dont give a better experience, NEVER.

Something is damaging WhattsApp connection in my LAN  ???
My LAN is managed by DUMA..... how DUMA can help me determine what'sApp-ening ?

Is there some parameter I'm missing ? 
( "WhattsApp" is not a registered game for use "filtering" - "Prioritization" Show SKYPE & games but no WhattsApp)

Suppose I need some serious help here !!!


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I think the idea of a video/audio calling prioritization feature would be useful, so i've added it to the suggestions list.

I looked up the ports for WhatsApp online, could you try prioritizing these?

TCP Ports; 80, 443, 4244, 5222, 5223, 5228, 5242, 50318, 59234

UDP Ports: 3478, 45395, 50318, 59234

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Thanks Alex for your precious suggestions,  I may try later.

Short story: in case of low throughput network....
In WhattsApp -Settings -Data&Storage -down -"low Data" has to be "on"
- That seems to have solved momentarily Video issues. -

"low throughput network"
that confirm:  on my LAN something is wrong
('cause on the other networks the problem is really infrequent)

How may I check What'sAppening ?

No other device/App/program suffer, so far !

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17 hours ago, AlainCh2 said:

How may I check What'sAppening ?

Was that a pun?

So you've managed to fix it temporarily by enabling a low bandwidth mode in the app itself, which is good. But it sounds like your network shouldn't be considered low bandwidth if it wasn't for this bug.

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a Pun --- Whatt'sAP un ??? 🙂

I'm pretty sure something is hindering WhattsApp in DUMA managed network.
(I didn't had so many bad xp not even on Cell data while travelling in car !)

But ... no idea at all  about Whatt's hindering it.


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Try removing that and see if it is any better. 80 is the common internet port HTTP so it may be affecting it if it's directed to another device. It might not do anything as they're more likely to use 443. 

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Port forwarding to allow access to the Solar Inverter is on my LAN from two year ago.
No change on that.

I will remove it... but
"how can I test the WhattsApp connection"

and that's the question I've begun the thread with.



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I can't think of a way you could specifically test WhatsApp, you could give more bandwidth to the phone using Bandwidth Allocation and disable share excess to ensure it gets it. Also you could port forward the ports from Alex above.

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because setting the WhattsApp parameter solved the issue.

 no way to check a "specific" usage for any device.
No graph, no analysis


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