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XBOX Party chat allows everyone to connect

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So I have filtering mode on and my location set to the middle of the ocean. People are still able to connect to my party chat, even though I have no one allowed. Ping assist is set to zero. I have hard reset Xbox, flushed cloud and rebooted router.


Should people be able to connect to party chat in this setup? Or is it not functioning correctly?



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So, the icon comes up blocked in a triangle and Xbox party chat says connecting for a long time. Then the connection goes through on party chat and the triangle disappears from the geofilter map. Party chat functions normally from them on.


I was just expanding on the issue, still have yet to screenshot.

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So, this is my geofilter page when someone joins party.  They connected without issue.  I have never whitelisted this player.  I did not invite them to party, they just joined.

Location is set to the sea, ping assist 0. Have deleted and re-added consoles.  Triangle players just do not seem to be being blocked.



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So the triangle player was able to join your party? That's very strange...

Either the PS4 has decided that since it can't make a P2P connection, it will route you through automatically whitelisted servers...

Or the Geo-Filter is giving you false information on what was blocked.

If you ping those servers on screen, press ALLOW, then ping them from the list and press BLOCK, can the person still connect? This isn't a solution, just a test.

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This is on Xbox, I will try blocking those servers as you've suggested. I'll have to wait to get on. I have a feeling as I don't use strict mode for destiny reasons, that this may be to do with that.


I think this is also related to the issue of finding games in destiny when your settings shouldn't allow you to.


I will test further tonight, with strict mode on and off as well.

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Ok, did a bit of testing.

In strict mode a player outside of my geo-filter is able to connect to party chat but I get disconnected.

In strict mode with that person denied, they can still connect to party chat, again I am disconnected.

Either way, players outside of radius are being allowed to connect to party chat.


Any ideas?


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10 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Are you talking about private chat or the actual game chat? If party chat are you the host of the chat? 

Talking about party chat. Yes I'm the host of the chat.

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