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Some questions about Geo-filter

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Hi, i'm playing destiny 2 on a PS4 and i've some questions:

1) I tryied setting strict mode ON with ping assist = 10 and 111 km distance range. The game found the players but after few minutes returned me an error that said find player for the game were impossible. Is it the way how it works?

2) Why if i setup a distance range of 300km i find hosts that are outside the range? Does distance work only with server? So i will be allowed to connect to server that are inside the 300km range. Is it correct? To "deny" non-server host have i to proceed by setting up a proper ping assist value? 

3) Where can i find a legend of the symbols that appears on the  geo-filter map? I've found a man-figure that i think means "allowed", a triangle that maybe means "denied", but i can't figure out what the circle-dotted man figure means.



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1. No it's meant to connect you to the game... Did you set the Geo-Filter settings before you started the game?

2. I would expect that servers must be within the radius but peers can appear outside if they are also connected to that server. That doesn't sound like what's happening here.

3. Here's a legend although it doesn't show ping assisted players, who have a dotted line around them. We've got an updated version I just need to find it.

T9gPpjSrQ1opLHx-wV4SFad3uFvwtvHGBQ (1).png

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Sorry, i explained that very bad. I used those parameters for a test to understand how geo-filter works and i was asking for a confirmation, but it doesn't work how i thought.

I'm having troubles with geo-filter because it allows host that are outside the radius, e.g. i set distance = 150km and the radius cover only my country, but i found in-game host that are outside the radius, not only the graphical peer. I've also tryied by enabling/disabling the strict mode cause of destiny 2 architecture, but nothing changed. 


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1 minute ago, Bmann said:

Review this post  To filter or not to filter that is the question

Thank you, but i've done the procedure told from Zennon without any result. I put the range = 111km so only my country is under the radius, but i can still find in my lobby host outside the range.

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So these hosts that are outside of your radius, what does their icon look like on the map? Are you saying that they appear outside of the radius even on the Geo-Filter map, or do you think their location is incorrect on the map?

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I haven't seen them on the map, i could see just 3 hosts that were inside the radius. The problem is that the matchmaking for a social zone (tower) tooks something like 10s in a range of 111km, but in the lobby i could see player that couldn't be inside the 111km radius because their country is to far from mine. To see their country i've inspected their PSN profile

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Due to the way the game handles connections it is necessary to use strict mode off to ensure that you do not get kicked from a game and so you may notice servers outside your radius being connected to. Ping Assist is more suited for 1 host games and so it can struggle with a system like this to work correctly so I would suggest just using the Destiny profile and adjusting your range.

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