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Just wanted to thank those who helped

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Been fighting my XR500 since launch and after a warranty replacement didn’t fix things I decided it had to be my power line.  Turns out that’s apparently what it was, checked voltage and it was a bit low, but I think it dipped lower at times and that’s when I’d get reboots.   Finally bit the bullet and bought a UPS backup and have been problem free for a month since.  There have been times over the year I had a month or even more without issue so I’m not 100 percent yet, but it’s been daily resets or at least weekly for a while so I think I’m good.

Just wanted to thank Jack, Frazier and everybody else who have helped me with all kinda ideas as well as beta firmware trying to fix the issue.  Also sorry my bad for being pissed that the router was to blame at times, but I’ve never had an issue before and my last nighthawk also had non related issues at two addresses.  Seems the nighthawk doesn’t play well with crumby power companies and or lines and is kinda sensitive to fluctuation more so than any of my other electronics.  

So to other guys who also had random reboots for what seemed to be no reason trying a 60 dollar UPS seemed to fix mine at this point and may be a good place to start.   

Thanks netduma and netgear for what at least now is a router I’m really enjoying again just as I had my R1 before this. 

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