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Devices getting 2 IP addressed, and more

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so i have my xr500 connected directly to my CM600 modem, from there i have it wired to an AP in the top floor. 


my problem is devices dont go off grid when not online. they stay on the map and for some reason when they come back online would sometimes get a new ip but the old ip would also show under it.  i forget network on the device then go into netduma to delete the device but it keeps saying it cant because its still online.   theres 37 devices connected and many of them is the same device just with different Ips.  why doesnt netduma know this and keep the devices in the network with older ips?    its causing issues being able to change settings for the devices that its doing this to.  only way to fix it lastnight with my xbox was to go offline, then reboot the Router and the AP  and then i was able to delete it and make a new connection.. also geo filtering did not work when my xbox showed 2 ip addresses.  love the router and features but netduma has some flaws that need fixing.  any help on this would be appreciated


Ive included an image of one device.. my ipad air that shows its offline but with 2 ip addresses, usually if its offline it wont show an ip address.. my ipad is online and being used but for some reason shows it off line. 

offline but 2 ip.jpg

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Could you please let me know what firmware you're using? Press the ℹ️ icon in the top right of the screen and copy it from there. 

Regardless, could you also try upgrading to this latest firmware which has some hotfixes in it: 


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I just got the router. Updated it. And checked this morning and it has the latest fw.   I am not dropping out.   The router is providing 2 ip address to the same device. Causing geofilter on that device to not work and not being able to delete the device as it says its still online even if u unplug the device entirely from the network (it still sees the first ip it gave to the device that the device was no longer on). Only way i was able to fix it was to disconnect from network. Unplug the ap. Reboot the xr500. Power on the ac point and it would be fine.   Any device that i did not unplug during rebooting still showed 2 ip.  And to be clear its not the same as when it shows 2 devices wired/wireless. But actually giving 2 ip address ( later if the device gets a new ip address dumaos still keeps the last one associated with the deviced and shows it under the current ip given to the device


i included a screenshot of the fw


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It can take a few minutes for the IPs to disappear once a device no longer has a connection to the router, you should be able to delete it then. If not then a reboot is the alternative method. I'm not quite sure how long the DHCP lease on the router is as it's not editable but it may be 24hrs which is why you're seeing it regularly. Give the devices static IPs on the router then do a reboot/delete, they should then just keep that 1 IP the whole time and make it easier for you and the router to manage.

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