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I have a ping related question. I have my radius set at 1000 miles, auto ping and strict mode enabled. I have the ping set at 25ms. I am playing BO4. when I connect to a lobby I normally see the ping window showing 30 to 40 ms. It will dip to 25 but goes back to 30 to 40ms. What am I doing wrong? 

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It will find servers in your radius even if ping assist is set low as it is only a guidance if you use your radius. I have mine set to minimum and rely on ping assist and strict mode only. I do not use fast search. If you decide to try my method make sure console is off while you make any changes then start up console once ready!

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Ping Assist allows you to get additional connections outside of your Geo-Filter that are below that threshold. You can use it as a Ping filter if you want to though. Full guide here:


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