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Guide for setting up NetdumaR1 with BTHOMEHUB5

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I have followed the steps on the quick start guide i received in the box, but on my wireless devices netdumaR1 is not showing up as an available connection.  I have read in the forum that i need to setup DMZ on my bthomehub. there is a link in the forum for a guide to do this but it is broken.

Can someone advise on where to find the link or how to do this.




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Hi Shaun, for DMZ you need to take the WAN IP from the R1 Device Manager (if on old firmware) or System Information on DumaOS and put it into the DMZ on the home hub, this is usually found in its' security or firewall settings. That won't affect your WiFi though. On the R1 in the WiFi settings is WiFi enabled?

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Hello Fraser,

Thanks for replying.

I cant access the R1 device manager as I cant find the netduma R1 as a wireless connection and also I haven't installed DumaOS as its asking me to check what version of firmware I have by going onto the interface. Can I assume that my firmware is 1.03.6 or higher as its brand new. (arrived today) so that I can download it. It mentions I can break the router if i download the wrong firmware.


Sorry if I am missing something simple.





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Access the interface via a wired connection, then you can check the WAN IP and the WiFi. Yes you'll be on the latest original firmware. You can sign up here for DumaOS: https://netduma.com/r1-dumaos/ probably best we wait until you're on DumaOS to sort out the wifi if it's still an issue as it may resolve it anyway. For now make sure you can access the interface using a wired connection and setup the DMZ and check if WiFi is enabled.

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  • Netduma Staff
9 hours ago, horsey89 said:

Thanks for your help. I used an old laptop (macbook got no ethernet) to get the wired connection to turn wifi on and everything is perfect now.


Welcome to the forum Shaun :) Brilliant, thanks for letting us know what you did to solve it. If there's anything else you need just let us know!

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