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Replacement Power Cable?


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Sorry if this isn't the right subforum, but I couldn't determine where else to post this.

Anyways, I got a Netduma R1 back in 2015 to take with me to college, but then I found that my college dorms actively discourage bringing your own routers/networking hardware, and even if I did set up my Netduma, since it goes through their preexisting internet settings, I probably wouldn't be able to take advantage of the Netduma's features anyways.

Cut to today when I have a friend going to college that does need a router, and I pulled my old Netduma out of storage. Problem is, I can't find the power cable, and don't have the time to go searching through everything for it. Underneath the port it says "DC8-30V," so I'm assuming that any power adapter that meets those specs and fits should suffice. But power supplies aren't something I'm much of an expert with, so I don't know what exactly I'm looking for, or where I should look for it.

So, does anyone know what I should look for in a good replacement cable and where to find it?

As a side note, since I've obviously been away for a while, I noticed this new DumaOS. Might look into setting that up on my R1 as well. Can anyone tell me what the gist of the upgrade is?


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Hi Diem - here is the full spec: https://mikrotik.com/product/18POW

If you go into a good electronics store, they should be able to recommend a replacement. I would take the router with you so you can make sure it fits. From memory, I think the diameter is of the pin is 2mm.

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You need to check that the specs are the same on the old plug and the new plug. That one looks like it would work although i've never seen a plug with a power brick being used for an R1.

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