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Xr500 Geo-Filter Legend

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4 hours ago, mp1 said:

1) What does the player icon with dotted circle mean?

2) Am I actually connected to 2 different servers?

This is during a Destiny 2 competitive match on PS4

Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at 9.39.22 PM.png

Icons with the dashed circle are players/ servers that have been found by ping assist.

the icons with solid circles are whitelisted servers, they are either authentication servers (servers the game needs to get you online) or you have added them to your allow list.

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Thank you. 

So in that particular game instance I had the router set to 40 ms on the ping assist. Am I  right in assuming that the solid player icons therefore have a ping of over 40 ms and  are connected only because they are within the radius?

Also, I whitelisted that server in Washington state because I was getting error coded out of games constantly and it seemed that that server was always trying to connect to me. There is a server in Oklahoma (much closer) that I also whitelisted. How can I force the Oklahoma connection consistently? 

Additionally, this is a 8 player match. I assume that my player icon wouldn't be indicated on the map, but where is the 7th player? 

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They won't necessarily have a ping over 40ms. They're showing because they're within the radius. Reduce your radius to just cover that server, turn ping assist to 0 and you should be able to force it. You won't always see the player icons of those who are in the game. That one may be out of your radius but connected to the server, you can't influence who connects to the server

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