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DSL Reports showing really high ping after upgrade


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I KNOW...DSL Reports shouldn't be used and isn't very reliable but before the upgrade I was use them here and there and it would be fine. Now when I try it it shows at the top on the tab that my download ms is like 180ms and my upload is like 60ms but if I go to speedtest my ping is like 28 and my speeds are fine. Also,

 when its scanning all their servers in the flower all of them are red (btw I have my sliders at 70/70. and I use to have A+ all the way across and now its showing me with like B or C's.

Could this be something I have checked on the new OS or maybe its just their website? I have all my settings just as I did on my old firmware (actually when it upgraded it set everything like it was. I do have pingplotter and didn't have time to run a test last night cause it was getting late, I'll do that this afternoon.

I'm assuming its just their website is acting crazy.

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Yeah I'm not seeing anything crazy in game showing like that, I just wasn't sure when I saw  how DSL is showing the pings off "their" servers all high and in the red it made me wonder if I had something enabled...I'll try pingplotter later but I'm taking it as its just the website. Thanks anyway Fraser.

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