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Speeds Vs R1 Original


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I'm having another set of testing with the DUMAOS.

I'm on Fibre (BT / Plusnet) so using PPPoe

My max speed on the R1 with Reactive would be 66mb down 12mb up. I have set the bandwidths to this in DUMAOS.

I have goodput ticked

IPV6 is  off (white switch)

Using speedtest.net for speed tests

[edit] All hardwired as well

With QOS set to Never I get around 55mb / 12mb http://www.speedtest.net/result/7728487609

If I Disable QoS I get expected speeds of 64mb and 12mb http://www.speedtest.net/result/7728492286

I have followed the DUMAOS Help on setting speeds which says if I get a difference between the two then my set up is wrong but I have followed the steps and not sure what else to look at.

If I downgrade to the Original Firmware then I get max speeds straight away so it cannot be a hardware issue.

I have been through a reboot via the menu a few times but with no difference

What else can I try?


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Hmm, odd. Could you try putting your max speeds to a higher value than they truly are (in Anti-Bufferbloat Options menu). For example, set it to 100mbps / 30mbps and then rerun the speedtest.

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Ok. A few other possibilities:

  1. Could you click Reset Distribution on both Download and Upload on Bandwidth Allocation
  2. Are your PPPoE details entered on your BT hub, or your R1? If the latter, then this is probably the cause. Try entering them on your Hub instead, and then disable PPPoE on your R1 (slower speeds here are a hardware limitation, so a combination of this and DumaOS is probably using too much CPU)
  3. Have you disabled IPv6 on both WAN and LAN (there's a separate option on each)


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Reset distribution clicked

Ipv6 white on both tips

I'm using the Huawei hg612 so pppoe details are entered in the R1

As I mentioned I get the max speeds on the original firmware


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I can dig one out. To be clear on set up it would be Huawei Modem to Spare Router with Pppoe to R1 DumasOS to pc. All hard wired.

Which router would do all the dhcp? Would it be the test one with dhcp turned off on the R1? 

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That's the right setup. I would also recommend putting the WAN IP of the R1 in your spare router's DMZ, to avoid double NAT issues. Just make sure every device then connects to the R1 (none should correct directly into your spare router).

So the R1 should be fine to do all the DHCP too.

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I managed to source a spare Netgear WNR2000.

My set up was Huawei HG612 to WNR2000 (with PPPoe selected) to R1 (static IP and PPPoe turned off) to hard wired PC.

Using speedtest.net I am now getting my max speeds in all of the following scenarios, Bufferbloat disabled, Anti-bufferbloat set to always and sliders at 100% and Anti-bufferbloat set to never and sliders at 100%. It therefore looks like using PPPoe on the R1 with DUMAOS consumes about 15% of my speeds.

I set the WNR2000 to have an address of and set the DHCP range to only and also set the DMZ to All other functionality was turned off including security. On the R1 I set its static IP to and its DHCP range to to All devices were hardwired to the R1 or connect wirelessly to an AP connected to the R1 by ethernet.

However, my bufferbloat results on dslreports are not quite as crisp when I have the additional router added in so perhaps my set up is not quite right. Can you advise if that is the best way to set up an additional router just to handle PPPoe or shoudl teh devices sit on different IP ranges altogether (eg and

On the R1 should the default gateway be the IP address of the R1 or the Ip address of the WNR2000

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Great thanks, there will be a limit with PPPoE speeds but perhaps we can optimize it a bit more. That sounds fine to me. I wouldn't pay too much credence to DSLReports as bufferbloat only occurs when your connection is saturated and that won't do it. I'd recommend running PingPlotter & QoS when your connection is saturated to see how well it performs.

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I played with the default gateway and lost my internet connection and can't get it back even after putting the default gateway back to what it was.

In the setup above, on the R1 is it right that the static IP reserved on the WNR2000 is input on the R1 in both the WAN and LAN pages?

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