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Traffic Prioritization vs. All devices, DumaOS Classified Games

major masingil

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Does the OS have a set list of devices or games it automatically prioritizes if you have the tick box enabled on the Traffic Prioritization "All Devices - DumaOS Classified Games" QoS R-App?  Does it only prioritize a device or service you have added manually?  

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would like to know this too! :)


on top of that i spotted that the R1 will activate traffic prioriazation even when offline playstation games are played that dont have any multiplayer (all devices ticked option is used)

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@Netduma Fraser does DumoOS automatically prioritize all console traffic without having to add the console to the traffic prioitization list, or do you still need to add the console to the device list?

Besides console traffic and specific game traffic on a pc, is there any other type of network traffic that DumoOs will place a high priority traffic identifier on?

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