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Can't use psn.

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I think that if you were able to play online games before you got the net duma, that you should try and disconnect the duma and try using just your regular router, and if that works, then Crossy and Zennon should be able to isolate the problem/ setting in the netduma, or your personal configuration on your router. keep us updated.


Also if you want you could try to set a custom mtu of 1492, or maybe 1500 on your ps4. That might help, usually I get an ip fragmentation error when there is a custom mtu, so if you made your mtu too low in order to lower lag then online games might not work.

Will do. I'll check out the settings on my regular router... Also could you further explain on how you fixed yours?

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Man.... honestly I dont remember all I remember all I know is I was playing around with ghosts trying to fix lag and I was experimenting with port forwarding settings in my router to try and fix lag. At some point I remember my settings locked me out of the call of duty servers... OH THATS IT!!! now i know... What I ended up doing wrong in my router settings is I made my firewall restrict some port or something that kept me from playing online games. To fix it I turned the firewall off. You may simply just have to set your firewall to default state.


Make sure that your firewall is ok with you gaming. If thats not it, then we can take that off the checklist! keep us updated. Good Luck!! :)

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UPDATE! FIXED!!!!!!!! So my modem is a shitty xfinity one, and uPnP was disabled lol. I guess my older router somehow countered that setting since we've had that router since our first modem! THANKS EVERYONE!!!!! BTW what settings are best for the Netduma?

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