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I have tried putting in   using both google chrome and firefox but it keeps saying web page unavailable, plus i have to keep my desk top plugged into my sky hub, as soon as i remove it to put into the netduma i lose internet access, i am using a wired connection  as the wireless is crap.and very slow.

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So just to be clear, putting in the IP and it returning web page unavailable occurs when you are wired to the R1 and you have no internet? Please make sure thats the case and you are not trying to connect to the R1 when still connected to the Sky Hub as this would not work. 

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So you have turned off wifi on the skyhub and have an Ethernet cable going from the skyhub into the Netduma in poe port one then an Ethernet cable from the Netduma in any other port to your pc?

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