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Trouble with Geo Filter

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Hi all,


I cant seem to get my Geo Filter working properly. I play BO3 on XB1 and i like to have my Geo location set to the east coast (1000km) of the US as i tend to get better games there. However i cant seem to get games there anymore, i get put on the Irish servers all the time. 


I have updated the firmware to the latest version, factory reset XR500, XBOX prioritized traffic and DumaOS classified games disabled, any ideas?



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If you're getting a server in Ireland that has a white circle around it that is not the game server - it is an authentication server. 


If you're getting a normal server icon or peer icon in Ireland then you likely have the console set to Spectating Mode or Strict Mode disabled.

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If you're getting a server in Ireland that has a white circle around it that is not the game server - it is an authentication server. 


If you're getting a normal server icon or peer icon in Ireland then you likely have the console set to Spectating Mode or Strict Mode disabled.

Hi Fraser,


Thanks for your reply. I have checked my settings and i am in filter mode and i have strict mode on. So strange as it was fine last week and i havent changed anything.

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Hi Fraser,


Thanks for your reply. I have checked my settings and i am in filter mode and i have strict mode on. So strange as it was fine last week and i havent changed anything.


Can you take a screenshot of the entire Geo-Filter page with the server included please

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I tried to add screen shot of my geo filter using the image button but it said extension not allowed so ive used a link instead....




I took that as i started a BO3 game. Although my geo filter is east coast US im still playing in the UK with european players.


Can you take a screenshot of the entire Geo-Filter page with the server included please

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The server with the circle around it in Ireland is an authentication server.


The icons in Europe are blocked players.


The dedicated server icon in your radius is the dedicated server you're playing on, is it a low ping? If so nothing to worry about. If the ping is high - 70ms+ then it's incorrectly located in which case could you give us the ID please.

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Ok so ive done some more testing. Majority of the time im pinging the US server at around 60ms however im not actually playing in the US because within my geo filter i never populate any players, its always the players being blocked from Europe that i see, something is not quite right. I have now expanded my geo filter to the whole of the US and still cant populate players.


Also i have a friend with a Netduma R1 and when we play together he disables his duma r1 and i run my xr500, he has said that even though i have my geo filter set to the US, on his duma hes still pinging the irish server. Now when we switch it, so he has his duma on and set to the US, and i turn mine off (spectating mode) we play in the US no problem, i also see players populate in the US in my geo filter.


Im not sure whats going on here but its as if my geo filter on the XR500 is not working. I only play BO3 on xbox one x. 


Any ideas?

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Theres no difference between the R1 & XR500 clouds so there should be no difference in that regard. You would have higher than 60ms if you were actually playing on a server in Europe. The game runs on servers so don't worry where players are. 


Make sure you're on the latest version & you shouldn't have an issue with the Geo-Filter: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/24378-new-xr500-dumaos-upgrade-available-v22110/

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Thanks again for your quick reply. I am on the latest firmware, i updated it the other day and done a factory reset afterwards. I will try another factory reset and see if that works. But if it doesnt i will just go back to my duma r1.


Thanks for your help

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  • 2 months later...

I was going to post this until I used the search option.
I've seen this since day one, always thought it was strange, although it did not seem to affect anything.
I also just found the "Legend" post which helped out a bit. (Sticky the Legend Post yo!!!)




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  • Netduma Staff

I was going to post this until I used the search option.

I've seen this since day one, always thought it was strange, although it did not seem to affect anything.

I also just found the "Legend" post which helped out a bit. (Sticky the Legend Post yo!!!)


Hopefully we'll have a Geo-Filter legend on the actual interface soon. I'll be pushing for that to happen as soon as possible. Let us know if you need anything in another thread if possible - you'll get more attention that way rather than posting on older threads :)

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