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Was ISP WAN address my ping issue?

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So, long story short...


Past few months my isp ping times more than doubled (avg about 50ms) after my ISP changed my WAN IP.  The geolocation of the WAN IP I was given a few months ago was located in southwestern Florida.  I'm in western Michigan


I managed to change my WAN IP address today, power-cycled equipment, now pings are at previous levels (19-22ms)


My question to all you networking gurus:  Is this just coincidence?  Or was the way my isp was routing my traffic on my wan ip address causing my issues?  




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its hard to say without more info. But if the Internet Diangosis test has reduced then its almost certainly something fixed by your ISP

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I think I may have the same issue. I have tracers going over seas, leading me to think that my geolocation is way off. Im on the west coast of the US, and my tracers are going to the UK. Also, when I first booted up my duma, it put my geofilter location in central US when it should have detected that Im on the west coast. How do I contact my ISP about this?

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  • Netduma Staff

I think I may have the same issue. I have tracers going over seas, leading me to think that my geolocation is way off. Im on the west coast of the US, and my tracers are going to the UK. Also, when I first booted up my duma, it put my geofilter location in central US when it should have detected that Im on the west coast. How do I contact my ISP about this?


The traceroute isn't always accurate. I know you've posted this lots but what is your base ping? As long is this is low then you don't have a problem :)

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  • Netduma Staff

thanks crossy. :)


Ok, well even if thats not your base ping it is still very low so I would't worry about the traceroute going all over the place. It isn't as accurate as the ping and the ping is what matters :)

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