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Geo-Filter Area & Website

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I tried posting this before, but it seems that it did not post.  I recently received my R1, and I am loving it so far. 


I live in San Diego, CA USA, which is on the border of Mexico.  In order to capture most of the US and friends/clan, I had to adjust the radius and move my home to approximately Colorado.  With the radius size, it also picks up a lot of  Canada and Mexico.  I have found that I often have worse game performance (lag, hit detection, etc.) when playing with Mexican players.  


Is there a way to draw your own geo-filter area instead of using a radius?  If not, would it be possible to add this feature?


Is the website always this slow, or is this just a temporary, technical issue?

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I tried posting this before, but it seems that it did not post.  I recently received my R1, and I am loving it so far. 


I live in San Diego, CA USA, which is on the border of Mexico.  In order to capture most of the US and friends/clan, I had to adjust the radius and move my home to approximately Colorado.  With the radius size, it also picks up a lot of  Canada and Mexico.  I have found that I often have worse game performance (lag, hit detection, etc.) when playing with Mexican players.  


Is there a way to draw your own geo-filter area instead of using a radius?  If not, would it be possible to add this feature?


Is the website always this slow, or is this just a temporary, technical issue?


First welcome to the forums. There are a ton of helpful people here who can answer your questions.


Is there a way to draw your own geo-filter area instead of using a radius?  If not, would it be possible to add this feature?


As of now it's not possible. I remember a while back it was talked about but probably not added because of the amount of detail it requires.


What I would do since you're on the coast is set your location in the ocean, set your geo filter size to the smallest it can be so it's not on any land. Tick strict mode and set your ping assist to 50-60ms and see if you can find a game within a minute or so. If not bump it up by 5ms until you find your "sweet spot"


Is the website always this slow, or is this just a temporary, technical issue?



For me it's hit or miss, sometimes it's slow and sometimes it's snappy... I  believe right now they're having some issues though.

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Add friends to your allow list so they can be outside your geo-filter How to add


There is no way to draw your own filter at the moment, I am not sure if Iain is considering this he would have to answer.


The web site is having issue's at the moment and should be fixed soon.

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Thanks for answering guys.


Hi welcome to the forum, glad you're enjoying the Duma.


We will do polygons one day, so you can draw a shape its just not top priority as in most instances you can set home & location to get pretty good representation. Finally we've been having major issues recently with our web provider its not normally like this. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

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