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Dhcp setting for isp


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  • Netduma Staff

Is the ISP router up stream or down stream of the Netduma. i.e. Wall >> ISP router >> Netduma   or    Wall >> Modem >> Netduma >> ISP router.


Could you also give some more info for what your trying to do. Are you trying to set up a static IP somewhere or put one of the routes in DMX? There are some useful settings here but they are for the Netduma.


Let us know what your trying to do and then we can help :)

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If you want to DMZ the Netduma at any point here is how to....


Login to the Actiontec router admin panel at The default username is admin and password is telus. Note the router will likely ask you to change the default password the first time around.
Disable the wireless by click on Wireless Setup and selecting “Disable” for Wireless Radio and clicking Apply.
ON the Netduma find the wan ip here found under the blue box
Go back to Actiontec router admin panel and click on Firewall button at the top
Click on DMZ hosting on the left
Click on “Enable” on the Set the DMZ state section.
Enter the wan ip from the netduma you found

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  • Netduma Staff

So its necessary to put my netduma or ps4 Mac address

in reservation dhcp.


Is your PS4 connected to your other router or the Netduma? if it is connected to the other router, you won't be able to put it in DHCP reservation from your other router, you will need to do it from your ISP router.


If you want to set a static IP, put the Netduma MAC address in the DHCP reservation :)

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Use the wifi onf the netduma only so you can take advantage of the congestion comtrol meaning local congestion caused by other users on your network wont affect your pings, no other router can do this all of the info is in the wiki at the top of the forum or here http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php


I do not bother with static ip's for my devices i just use auto and let  DHCP worry about that, but some use statics we all different.

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  • Netduma Staff

Lan vs WiFi with the netduma what's the different?


LAN is much better. Wifi can have issues if two devices try to communicate at the same time and also increases latency and jitter.

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