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Cant connect to this host


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ID: b489cb9626537075    Distance: 130mi


I have this dedi near me but I never can connect to this server it either send me to on that 200 miles or one that 400 miles away for some reason I can never connect to this server

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  • Netduma Staff

ID: b489cb9626537075    Distance: 130mi


I have this dedi near me but I never can connect to this server it either send me to on that 200 miles or one that 400 miles away for some reason I can never connect to this server


Hi, welcome to the forum!


Does this server appear as a padlock inside the Geo-filter radius? Make sure you have Strict Mode disabled.


It would be useful to know where you are located - or a screenshot of the Geo-filter and this server would help. It could be a localised server working for a different group of countries or something strange like that.

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I wouldn't test anything against the WW2 beta, it is after all a beta. I had some great games and some really bad ones. Overall I have been totally underwhelmed by it. Ive heard quite a few people having issues with the beta and others who are having a great time with it. 

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