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What are people thoughts on Compensation in games if any.


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I try not to get caught up in believing conspiracy theories myself but ive been playing multiplayer only since 1999 when the NFL 2k came out. Does this give me some kind of special experience? No, just giving some kind of background. Experience over time has made me really sensitive to notice changes. When the first call of duty came out i played this 95% of my gaming time and there on for every game after. A noticable change in the series happened in BLOPS 1. This was a hugely noticable difference. It felt like when I played COD1 thru 4 on PC when i would pick a server with +200 ping. Terrible lag, so thats why i tend to jump on the lag train excuse. Note that I switched to Xbox in mid year of COD 4 when i made me a XIM.


I have analyzed this as much as could given my level of knowledge in networking. there is a direct correlation of the year new features come out in the series and the year that most would agree the lag jumped. Side bar, Keep in mind that internet outside of gaming has only gotten better through the years. Your internet is not an excuse, i know that much. If i can play NFL 2k on 56k, play COD1 on 1/2 MB with 64 men in the same game, then my 60MB connection is sufficient in the current game. You will never get me to believe otherwise. Anyways, i dont directly by into lag comp being the culprit. I know there is something up but I cant put my finger on one thing. Im old enough in real world experience to know that this game is being produced every year for shareholders and not for gamers. This is the same as your favorite mom and pop restaurants that franchise. Its all down hill from there. So knowing that, Im not so quick to dismiss a possible theory that would keep MORE gamers playing/buying and make shareholders happy.


My belief is that it is multiple things contributing to the lag party and thats why there is no quick one step solution. I did pen and paper type exercise on what host migration can and will due to a lobby. Host migration or changing host at the beginning of every match is doing more bad than the good that they intended. Changing host regardless of if its the nice feature of host migration midmatch or changing to a new host before the game is unquestionably a huge problem. I drew this up to see what was going, its an undeniable problem.


Like I said, i thinks it multiple things but the above is huge. Add SBMM on top of that above. You now have two unrelated items making a definate contribution to the lag party and now its hard to put a finger on what exactly the problem is.


Another thing that caught my eye was in BLOPS2. On the Boat map, I would get retarded scores in Domination. There is two rounds. If I went 40-0 in the first round, i would end the game with around 50-30 of a score. The first round would feel great. If i hit scores like that in round one, it never failed that the second round felt terribly laggy. In statistical probability, this should not happen in every single game where i get retarded in the first round.


The above host migration/ changing host is better explained with visuals. If anyone is feeling froggy and is good with simple animation or illustration, i can walk you through it. It would serve the gamers very well and show some proof in the pudding. Its happening this could very well help in finding better options.

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It would serve the gamers very well and show some proof in the pudding. Its happening this could very well help in finding better options.


The main problem is there are no "better options" on the consumer's end... besides playing other games.


Only Activision, and the devs can fix CoD's netcode. Nobody else can.


It's very telling how the first thing the support script tells the clueless phone jockeys in AV tech support to parrot is it's always the consumers fault and never the game. This is echoed by the idiot shills on the official AV forums as well... Even when presented with concrete evidence from multiple sources that it is the game and nothing else.


I also agree with you and others who say, everything changed once BO came out.


This is no coincidence since this was post-MW3, where the lead netcode programmer was no longer with IW and AV. Every CoD from then on... sans Ghosts... Has had terrible netcode. So, it's not so much a conspiracy theory as a stark reality that A) They don't want to fix the code, and/or B ) They may not know how to fix the code. If it is the latter, they will never admit this out of fear of incompetence and lack of confidence from shareholders and investors. 

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I remember when MW3 came out , it's net code was borked, but they did fix it soon after, I am wondering if they were testing SBMM and then turned it off.


Same with bops2 at first it was really laggy with SBMM then when they toned it down it started playing well.


The thing with Bops1 i noticed that the team that has the host would always have postive K/d's and the other team would all go negative most of the time.


With Bops1 can tell when i am on the hosts team it plays so well and then when not i feel out of sync (hit markers are visably out of sync with the audible click of the marker.

I see this in other titles the hitmarker and click out of sync so i back out and search again i must say with using the duma this is very rare now on the older titles.

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I tried AW last night and the first couple of games were ok followed by 5 games where I was struggling to get more than 5 kills and 20 deaths.

Soooo I put black ops 1 in the ps3, The game played great, hit detection bang on the money 2 kdr or above most games.

Then I tried MW2, same again smooth game play and it just felt "tight"" for want of a better word.

Everything just felt better and more in control.

I will try AW again now that clan wars is over and see how it plays tonight. My KDR must have dropped significantly enough over the weekend to give me some easy lobbies. lol

In fact anybody looking at my scores last night would think I was reverse boosting!!!!!

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I tried AW last night and the first couple of games were ok followed by 5 games where I was struggling to get more than 5 kills and 20 deaths.

Soooo I put black ops 1 in the ps3, The game played great, hit detection bang on the money 2 kdr or above most games.

Then I tried MW2, same again smooth game play and it just felt "tight"" for want of a better word.

Everything just felt better and more in control.

I will try AW again now that clan wars is over and see how it plays tonight. My KDR must have dropped significantly enough over the weekend to give me some easy lobbies. lol

In fact anybody looking at my scores last night would think I was reverse boosting!!!!!


Since buying the R1, I always look at the scoreboard during the match to see players pings and most of the time when games become "bad", it's because there are two and three bar players in the match. This isn't rocket science, but like I said, I doubt Activision is going to fix this because... Why should they? They have millions and the way to keep those millions is by putting the least amount of effort into their products that will sell on name recognition alone.


However, I believe this strategy is finally coming to an end for the simple fact most of the players who started with CoD4 are now adults and either don't game that much, or have moved on to better games. There will always be a crop of young gamers to replace them, but even they aren't choosing CoD when it comes to shooters, or games in general anymore if the declining sales are any indication?

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What I use to think lag comp was and what I think it is now are completely different.I believe it is real and random and no one will ever know what or how it is figured out,way to many variables.


I think it's a combination of all the things listed above and then a few more thrown on top.But I believe a big factor has got to be distance between players and the host side / client side debate along with people having less than ideal connections and throw in SBMM and you got a real mess.


If they ever go back to P2P only and drop the dedi's then I think we'll really see what affects it the most.

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If they ever go back to P2P only and drop the dedi's then I think we'll really see what affects it the most.


Dedicated servers wouldn't be bad... IF Activision did them right. They don't. But other companies... EA (Titanfall; BF) do them right, so people prefer to play on them because they give a more level playing field since there is no host advantage and it's all about connection to the server. 


If Activision got their act together and FIXED the netcode itself and then put in enough dedicated servers, half of the problems would be gone. There is no 100% fix for online gaming due to numerous variables, but other companies have proved it's not impossible.

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Lots of gamers are gaming while the rest of their family are browsing and streaming , this makes things go wonky, every gamer needs congestion control and things would be so much better.

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Agree Zennon just like I think dedi's would be great it they worked as intended but they don't so I don't like them.I like the dedi idea but we still have no control you also connects to the dedi and what they're doing besides gaming or what else is going on in they're home on the network.

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