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Splatoon 2 on Nintendo Switch

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Splatoon 2 on Switch uses peer to peer for online games. Nintendo do seem to have implemented regional matchmaking but the servers they use to control how is in a game seem to be based in the US and Japan. Therefore, I seem to need to keep the geo filter wide to allow connection to the servers and rely on the ping assist to filter out laggy players. However, occasionally players from US and Japan will appear so would be nice to be able to use Geo Filter to keep them at bay. I could whitelist the Nintendo servers but there does seem to be a lot of them. 


On a related matter, when creating a service for my Nintendo Switch the only option is Wii Online. Is that the same as the Nintendo network or is a revised service profile required?



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Could you provide us with a screenshot of the map fully zoomed out when on the game and as many ID's as you can? 


It should be the same unless they've fundamentally changed it. XBL or PSN services should work as well.

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  • 3 years later...


I was wondering if the issue brought up by @HappyLittleChap was ever resolved... I've been interested in getting an R2, and mainly play Splatoon 2. To my knowledge this was also apparently a problem with Splatoon 1 geo filtering, brought to the attention way back on this thread; 
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11 hours ago, JoshCros2I{ said:


I was wondering if the issue brought up by @HappyLittleChap was ever resolved... I've been interested in getting an R2, and mainly play Splatoon 2. To my knowledge this was also apparently a problem with Splatoon 1 geo filtering, brought to the attention way back on this thread; 

It's hard to say I'm afraid, most games companies have now switched to server-based matchmaking so you wouldn't be able to block specific players in the same way you used to.

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