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brought [most of] the router to a standstill

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so not exactly sure how to deal with this one since congestion control should have handled this.


so i had a couple downloads going and they were running about 6MB/s down on a 60/5 connection on my media center which was at 6 on distrobution chart, i also had HBOgo [or hulu] on that as well. I had another Roku TV set at 1 watching Netflix or Hulu, not sure which and the PS4 being played set at 42. the D/U set at 73% with share excess enabled.


While the files were being downloaded, PSN was logged out of, the media center wouldnt play the show. the roku went in and out.


I tried resetting the router but nothing would start working aside from the downloads and once they finished the rest of the network came back up. Never had this issue before on my other routers.


what do i have set wrong?

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It's a Motorola SB6121and not what they are describing. My ping stays fine. And I can stream video on several devices all the time. It's just when downloading things.


Am I just simply using up ALL my headroom? It's 60mb down. I was DLing at 5mB which is ~40mb. I should still have 20 to spare but shouldnt the congestion control kicked in and limited that computer?

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Oh I see procreate, make sure you use the reactive algorithm not the pre-emptive as you're reaching the max limit of it. Also don't forget overhead, so 5MB/s will be payload not including overhead.


Anyway solution should be selecting reactive algo

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if it helps, i have Charter who has their own issues apparently o.O


fortunately i dont have the problems of the other thread. i was simply pushing my DL to the max and expected the congestion control to handle it [pre-emptive]. typically i have 3 HD streams going while i game, usually 2 Hulu and a Netflix [problems of a family]... when my sons game i can sometimes have a PS3, PS4 and xbox all running concurrently AND have the wife on Netflix.


when i originally posted this i was thinking i was DLing 5-6mb, not mB and had PLENTY of headroom but that was not the case ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So bringing this back up again. After a few weeks it seems utorrent brings the router to a standstill for all other devices when it has unlimited d/u. I watch network monitor and it's only using 30-40% of the bandwidth. I have congestion control set to reactive and both sliders at 100%. My Xbox360 has 24% and all other devices are set to 4%. Every device other than utorrent lose ability to use internet.

I limit utorrent dl to 500kB/s and internet comes back. This did not happen with my Cisco or netgear routers.


update: saw in settings under misc i didnt uncheck IPv6 there. only in WAN/LAN... seeing if that helps, still getting the spikes though so far.

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so i am watching the network monitor and currently limiting utorrent to 800kB/s and monitor is running @ 14% load and 7mb/s, but every so often it jumps to 150-800+mb/s as a spike and the graph pauses while this happens until the spike ends. not sure if that is related...

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Sorry just trying to clarify the issue, so the following is true correct?

  • Reactive algorithm
  • 100% anti-flood
  • Non default distribution for device prio

What do other programs/devices do when they try access the Internet? Do they just time out. Also next time it happens can you try ping google please so run "ping" and tell me what you see. Thanks

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in fact could you do from a couple of devices then do it from the router. All three together should provide valuable insight. 

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so right now, just netflix streaming and my other son playing destiny and me on minecraft, getting pretty large lag in minecraft. here is the ping from that computer


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=667ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=682ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=358ms TTL=55
Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 19ms, Maximum = 682ms, Average = 431ms
here is activity:
somewhat disregard this... the server was lagging but thats still a high ping to google.
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ok next time it happens ping AND ping


Just want to find out which side the latency is on. THanks

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