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Comcast Arris TG862G modem/router


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I have my Netduma setup to this Modem/Router combo. I have it on Bridge mode (modem only) and I'm not getting full speeds. I have 180 down and 12 up. When I test on just the Arris with no Netduma. When I hook the Netduma up with the Arris modem on Bridge mode I get only 30/40 down and 10 up. I've tried putting my computer assigned sliders to 100% and the upload download slides to 100%, reset the modem and Netduma,. Factory reset, and nothing I do gets the speed up to what I have with the Arris on its own without the Netduma. Should I buy a Modem only unit? I'm not to impressed with my experience with the Nutduma so far. Problems connecting with friend and I've put them in the allow/deny list, I can't invite anyone to a game on Xbox One. I'm thinking of selling it. Please help me out.

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Your bandwidth speeds should be attainable with the R1. 

Use these setting listed below.

- Reactive Algorithm

- 100% anti-flood

- Share excess enabled

- Reset device prioritisation & Click Apply

- Disable IPv6 in WAN, LAN & Miscellaneous Settings

- Disable deep packet processing in Miscellaneous Settings

- You should be able to attain speeds without Turbo Mode enabled. But try it with and without.

- Ensure the ethernet cables you're using connecting the R1 to hub & R1 to PC are atleast Cat5e+ or greater.

Only test speeds from an ethernet connected PC.  Not from the console. 


Let us know how it goes.

Let me know if those settings help you out!

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WOW!!! that seems to have worked! Should i change any settings for Cod Infinite Warfare/ MWR for Xbox one? I watch SimJC74 and he suggests putting the download upload cap at 30% for call of duty. I just wanna have a good time playing games and not being seen first by players before they see me like you showed on a Halo 5 Lag fix!

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You can if you like. That is one thing about the R1 gaming experience -- different settings work for different people. So try it. If it doesn't work switch it back. Some people say ping works better for them and some say geolocation. Your gaming options have just opened up a thousand fold. Lol


I don't play IW. I feel it is a broken game but that is just my opinion

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Great to hear you've got your speeds sorted. In terms of joining friends/inviting - if your friends have dynamic IP addresses then you may need to keep readding them to your allow list. Also I would look to see if you or them have an open NAT, if not that may cause issues.

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