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Gamebattles - HELP!!

Craig Lilly

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Hi Guys, I am in need of a bit of advice. I have been attempting Gamebattles recently (back end of BO3 and most recently IW). I am at the point of rage every single game with the BS that I come up against. Being killed instantly and emptying a clip in to someone for them to drop me in 1 second. My KD is irrelevant, all I will say is that I know when it's me and my bad aim and I also know when something isn't quite right. I have attached an image of a notorious COD Player within the GB Community and just look at the state of his connection. Is there something that I don't know about?post-8998-0-60222200-1484922789_thumb.png



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I too have seen people's ping bars to be like this,there's a youtuber called qwikerthanyou who is a phenomenal player and back in bo3 days when he streamed or put up videos and it showed that screen his ping bar was just like that yet his connection was so OP it just wasn't fair,go have a look at his videos,mine stays relatively flat and I have a hell of a bad time especially recently

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  • Netduma Staff

Hi Guys, I am in need of a bit of advice. I have been attempting Gamebattles recently (back end of BO3 and most recently IW). I am at the point of rage every single game with the BS that I come up against. Being killed instantly and emptying a clip in to someone for them to drop me in 1 second. My KD is irrelevant, all I will say is that I know when it's me and my bad aim and I also know when something isn't quite right. I have attached an image of a notorious COD Player within the GB Community and just look at the state of his connection. Is there something that I don't know about?attachicon.gifIMG_0642.PNG


Try out these settings:


- 70% anti-flood
- Put your device in Hyper Traffic (in Congestion Control)
- Share excess enabled
- Reset device prioritisation & apply
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