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How do you know that you are being DDoSed? You will usually be booted out of the game when you're playing and depending on the strength of the attack your internet would be sluggish/unresponsive.

I get booted out of the game always when i'm winning and then he takes down my internet for a couple of hours

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The only thing you could do on the duma side would be to get a VPN subscription & use it in the VPN feature to apply to your console. You will still get booted if they choose to do that but they wouldn't take down your internet for hours. Then just choose a different VPN server & reconnect. 


Keep in mind playing through a VPN will add latency. To combat this as much as possible use a gaming VPN & choose the closest server to you.

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If anything you would be more likely to be DDoSed if it's P2P. I don't think dedicated servers would have a bearing on increased attacks.


It's possible, on BO3 you can see every player's ID when on a server - On Rocket League you can't see other players. Yet they both use the same servers on PS4. But I think that's just a backwards COD thing.

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