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Downloads/Gameplay cause internet to stop for a bit (PS4)

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I have a 100down 100 up connection. I disconnect surely when i attempt to download a game. I can also randomly disconnect while playing a game online. The disconnect is for a few seconds, but it cause me to be sent to the beginning of games like destiny and makes e leave ps4 party chat. I can  always replicate it while trying to download something so it lead me to believe it was something dealing with congestion control. I tweaked those a bit but that didn't help. When I'm connect to my netgear alone, everything works fine. The problem only occrs with the Netduma. This happens with wired btw.

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Hi Benjamin, welcome to the forum   :)


Could you tell me how you have things setup ?


For example:  


                            home> ISP modem/router> Netduma> PS4 + other devices


If so, is your ISP modem in Router mode  or  Modem mode ? ( Modem mode is also known as Bridged)


If in Router mode, make sure the ip address in the Device Manager tab on the Netduma is input into the DMZ into the ISP router and Apply,

  the DMZ is usually in your ISP Security Settings.


What are your Geo-filter settings ? Do you have Strict enabled ?


If I ever 'tweak' any settings, I always reboot the Netduma from Settings> Misc> Reboot Router (this also stops you reverting to the last settings if a power loss was to occur)


If that doesn't work, I'd recommend following this guide completely http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000022359-how-do-i-open-my-nat-


Check your settings in the Host Filtering tab, increase your map radius 1000km+ with 0 Ping Assist & Strict ticked.

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I believe I solved my own problem. I guess my netduma doesn't like the port in my school apartment. At 1st my set up was modem/ room port ( I say modem because I get type 1 on PS4 when it's just connectected to that port like a modem) <-- netduma <--- netgear router. The disconnects would happen so I switch to modem/port <-- netduma and I was still getting disconnected. The set up that fixed it was modem/port <-- netgear <--- netduma which I didn't like because I wanted all my devices to be on 1 network ( 5ghz) and controlled by the Duma so I attached an asus router behind the duma. So yeah, I'm using 3 routers with wifi disabled on the netgear and Duma while everything is connected to the asus router that's in ap mode. This set up allows the devices connected to the asus router to be controlled by the Duma.

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  • Netduma Staff

Welcome to the forum Benjamin; sounds like you solved it. That's an interesting set-up; just so long as everything benefits from Netduma congestion control. Glad to hear it was an easy fix :D let us know if you have any more problems.

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