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Fiber Optics at&t with duma assistance needed.

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Ok, i noticed after that i do all the right settings with fiber optic connected with duma congestion control disables and did the auto speed settings etc...... I get around 400 down and 500 up... not bad at all!!! especially when i upload vids to youtube hd ets is quick less than a minute or so vs before it was like 5-10 min for 5min video hd 60fps. 





Even though the speed is nice and all instructions are followed good and ping is around 8ms.. i still notice that im a bit behind people and every game i try seems there just that 1-2 sec ahead of me clearly.... As a Livestreamer and gamer trust me when i say im real descent at FPS games etc. So why wouldn't this be even with 500 up and 500 down etc super turbo with all auto settings and yet im still behind in frames ?? makes no sense to me... at all...i get better game play without using the duma ....



Any ideas for this issue or do i need to do something different for settings.


OH.... AND even tried using Hyper with ps4... worse!  lol.. so I have no idea.. done lots of testing on all of this...

MODEM-DUMA>PS4 AND PC 2-4 ping on pc with duma connected... A+ +++ WITH DSL report. as well. so what gives?

Thank you for anybodies assistance....




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create a hyper traffic for ps4 with port 3074 for playstation network udp source. 


If you do not understand bufferbloat (jitter i suggest you watch this video and it will show you how to controle and drastically reduce it.





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use congestion controle, i wouldnt disable it by using super turbo mode as you cannot controle jitter. run as reactive also.


if the hyper traffic still causes you aggro then remove the ps4 psn 1 and leave the modified 3074 active and try that.

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use congestion controle, i wouldnt disable it by using super turbo mode as you cannot controle jitter. run as reactive also.


if the hyper traffic still causes you aggro then remove the ps4 psn 1 and leave the modified 3074 active and try that.

i did the testing on the dsl site.. and buffer was real low past with a+ on all 3... ill try what your saying...

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mine was A+ but when i clicked on the rresults and it took me to the nixt page my up & down results were far from equal. i used to never check the in depth results just looked at the A+ rating

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my friend nfxcr3w on here plays with his cc set to 97/97 but i have to set mine to 80/80 and we are both on the same isp with the same package. 

Nohting really seems to be just right even with the best settings i get seem just off a bit in game.. im frames behind enemy .. h ave no idea... i will keep trying to play with conges.... see if i can find that good spot... 

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  • Netduma Staff

For your speeds we'd recommend the following:


- Reactive Algorithm
- 100% anti-flood
- Share excess enabled
- Reset device prioritisation & apply
- Disable IPv6 in WAN, LAN & misc
- Disable deep packet in misc
- Enable turbo mode
- Enable super turbo mode
- Ensure the ethernet cables you're using connecting the R1 to hub & R1 to PC are Cat5e+/can handle your speeds.
- Do a wired speed test from a PC
Let us know if this improves your gameplay, but 8ms ping is fantastic - better than most I've ever seen. The issue, given that knowledge, is likely other players connecting to the server you're on who are dragging down the server. It could also be the servers themselves, if you've got no jitter or spikes and get 8ms ping.
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