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internet speed issue

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I am having a pretty slow internet connection as of now (16 up and 16 down), but when I get connected via netduma the speed goes further down to 8 mbps, cut to half, my current setup is as follows,


FW version 1.03.6 g,

Speed 16 mbps upload and download

No modem attached, i.e. CAT 6 cable straight from my ISP to Netduma,

All tests done while wired to my laptop

carried out the tests by connecting the ethernet cable straight to my laptop, and also wireless through my linksys router, got the desired results, but with Netduma, my speed is cut to half.

set congestion control to 100%, tried both preemptive and reactive, did a reset of distribution control, disabled ipv6 in LAN, WAN and misc settings

also unchecked deep pocket processing, enabled turbo mode, did a factory reset using the option in miscellaneous. 


I've found the above alternatives while browsing throught previous posts stating similar problems, but none of the solutions worked for me, also I experience random packet losses, Is there something I am doing wrong? or am I missing something?

thanks in advance.



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  • Netduma Staff

What firmware version are you on? Also, check if there are any devices in VPN - if there are, disable them. Are you using PPPoE? Let me know and we'll get you sorted :)

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thank you for the kind response. I am on Firmware version 1.03.6g, I am using PPPoE and currently no devices under VPN are active, Also i've disabled deep pocket processing, disabled IPv6 in LAN, WAN and misc settings, I use reactive algorithm, I've also enabled Tubo mode, but the speed is still down by 50%

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  • Administrators

Have you got the PPPoE details in the duma itself? If so please try the following:


ISP > Linksys (PPPoE) > Duma (PPPoE removed, wired device connected) then do a speed test and see if you get full speeds please.

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Yes, I had the PPPoE in the Netduma.

I tried your suggestions, and configured PPPoE on the linksys, setup Static IP for my Netduma, did a DMZ on Netduma static IP address into the Linksys router and I am getting the desired speeds from the Netduma router. There was a problem with the upload speed, but I changed the algorithm to preemptive to fix the problem.  

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I am sorry but this is more like a work around rather than a solution, would I always have to pair up my linksys with netduma to get the desired speed? I would want to use my netduma as a standalone router. Even now my speed gets cut into half while using netduma solo. 

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  • Administrators

There can be speed issues when using PPPoE with the duma but that is normally around 100mbps. Make a post in the 1 on 1 section with dates/times you're available. Once we've agreed a time return to the original setup of the duma being the primary router.

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