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Please help - Just got the router (Destiny Needs)

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i dont know anything about imac , address and such. i looked at tutorials and stuff. i got my imac connected to duma as well as my xboxone. now my speed seems to be way off. used to be 160mbps  and upload 30 now 44mbps and 21up. ping is 28 . when i do speedtest on my phone i get good speed. phone is wified. i am stuuck 

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I realise you are having issues but there is no need to create 5 different support threads. It won't result in faster support and will make it harder when answers are spread across 5 different threads. As such I will close this thread. Please see this thread where you already have some answers, I will post a response there as well http://forum.netduma.com/topic/18244-yellow-barring-during-desinty/


WHere are the duma support tech people to walk me through this? When i wanted to purchase there was 3 people ready , willing , able. not to be rude


It was late in the UK when you made your posts despite this I replied to your offline message, as well as talking to you on Facebook at around 9-10pm last night.


I assume the people you were talking about are from the first 3 posts of your introduction thread. 2 of them were from community members who did not have to give advice. 1 was myself.

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