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Using the Geo Filter with games like Cod 4

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Has anyone used the Geo-Filter with old P2P Call of Duty's? I've just hooked up my 360 and set it up on the Duma, now when I try to find a game with the Geo Filter enabled it won't have it, it just puts me in a lobby on my with nobody every joining but as soon as I disable the Geo it throws me straight into a game and there's people connected within my GF range. Anyone able to assist?


My host filtering page - https://gyazo.com/f21932706f3a5eddb1dc59c1304f345d

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That's virtually the same as i have mine for MW3.


Not sure if having all of your devices enabled in the GeoFilter at the same time is ok...

According to Zennon the reason I can't find a game is because nobody in my range is hosting, which may be the case. I usually have all 3 devices enabled and never have issues so I'm not sure it's that. Going to try MW2 now see if that's any different

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Hi Shane, I get this as well and have done for over a year, if you can find a lobby that is not hacked it is still a fantastic game and the other abilities of the R1 I believe do help as well. :) I find most hosts in eastern Europe and USA

I will close this thread now as you have said. Please if you have any other questions feel free to start another thread. Cheers :)

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