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UPnP or Port Forwarding for 2 PS4's in same LAN

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The IP address in the portforwarding settings is going to be the assigned ip address from the R1 router or private ip address if I am not mistaken.  And the R1 router is going to give each playstation it's own ip address.  I am not sure what you full setup is but this is the case if your primary router is the R1. Public IP address is the ip address assigned by your isp to your modem. Private IP addresses are assigned to your devices by your router.


I don't think you can portforward the same port  to two different devices because I believe they are going to be assigned two different ip address from the router. 

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Hopefully they will remedy this in the next firmware because technically you should be able to assign 2 seperate External ports to the same Internal Port and it will work but most SOHO routers will not accomplish this successfully.  The R1 will infact forward external ports to point at the correct internal port but for some reason the translation is lost I've only seen one manufacturer of SOHO routers do this with success, Netgear R6250-R8500.  We have 5 Ps4 in the house and have tested every router available in our area. 

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I've been researching this in anticipation of getting a second xbox. But don't know about PS4.


Multiple xbox 1's  can have open NAT if you use UPnP. The 2nd xbox will switch to another port if the port is already taken.


UPnP only works well when both the router and the network devices have implemented UPnP well. Unfortunately many routers (including many free isp routers) have implemented it poorly.

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Hey, I would set a static IP for each device in DHCP lease and port forward according to https://support.activision.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/Ports-Used-for-Call-of-Duty-Games

could you elaborate on this more. as under dhcp lease it has mac address rather than an ip. and do you list the port where it says host number?

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I'm not quite sure I understand the question. You can input any number between that range in DHCP lease. Then when port forwarding you would need to input the number you reserved to successfully port forward for that console.

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