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Can't get any Black Ops 3 game.

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This is the fourth issue I have with this shit in less than two weeks.

I asked how could I get less ping (because I still get 100ms when my speed tests say 40ms) to play BO3, and set the router as how a guy told me with geo filter. It worked perfect this morning but now it won't stop kicking me out of all the games.

"Netduma guys" only say that I don't have the router properly set up, and tell me to do things I've already done.

If this issue does not get fixed, as well as the other three, which did not get resolved, I will do my best and last to break down this company of cheaters.

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Actually they asked you to provide screen shots so they could better assist you. The very little information you have provided all points to not being setup correctly, so those screen shots can help with assisting in finding the problem within your setup of the router.

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If it's kicking you out of games then I think I've read on here that you should un-tick 'Strict' (I think you can do this once you find a game).


You could be having ISP / network interruptions of course, that would also cause 'kicking'.


You're not playing over wifi are you? I tested playing over wifi and got 'kicked' often.


You haven't detailed you physical setup yet, we don't know what equipment you have or how it's connected / set up.

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