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No matter how much ping I set or wether it is strict or not, I always get the same.

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Why do I always get 100ms ping in every single game? I'm the only one with three bars in the lobby all the time. I can actually do that with the old router without having to spend 200€ in this.

I'm starting to feel cheated with all the issues I'm having in just a few days.

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Sorry to hear your having issues with the duma.


But in order to be able to help you out we're gonna need a little bit more info.Take some screen shots of your settings...GF,CC.diagnostics etc and post them so we can see what the problem is.


It's hard to figure out your issues give you help with you just saying" why do I get 100 ms ping in every game"

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there you go

Sorry to hear your having issues with the duma.


But in order to be able to help you out we're gonna need a little bit more info.Take some screen shots of your settings...GF,CC.diagnostics etc and post them so we can see what the problem is.


It's hard to figure out your issues give you help with you just saying" why do I get 100 ms ping in every game"



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Hey so a few things to mention:


What are your speeds?


It's possible you don't have your console selected in the Geo-filter - you should double check the network settings of the console with the IP on the device manager and change the name of the device.


What is your physical setup?


Your base ping is 52ms. That means you cannot get a game under 52ms. Do a speed test, what does your ping show there?

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Okay so you won't be able to get a game ping below that but you shouldn't be getting 100ms. 


You need to ensure all devices are connected to the R1. Otherwise congestion control will not work correctly. 

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Anybody know where the dedis are near Spain on PS4?


I know that if I force P2P on Xbox (by avoiding the Irish dedis) then the ping is terribly high (and virtually unplayable) and my base ping is very low to start with.

Just wondering if we could be seeing an inadvertent forcing of P2P here.

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