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Hard drive? Upgrad or not we're reading a thread on stuttering with standard hard drive ssd or not?


I upgraded mine with this one and it works pretty good for me. I always load into bo3 first. Just have to take it out of the enclosure and then the upgrade is like normal.


SSD isn't worth it for the price to size ratio... Especially because it will fail quicker since the ps4 is constantly writing to an area so it can record gameplay.


A hybrid drive is the best of both worlds but in some games it actually was slower. So for me the 1tb I mentioned above worked fine. It is a noticeable improvement in loading times.

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Did you have any problems with the standard one?


Nope, just was tired of loading in with 3 seconds left on the countdown in bo3


Plus going from 5400 rpm to 7200 rpm is usually an improvement on cheaper drives

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If you want to try hybrid go with this...




If you just want pure performance without caring about space or possible early failure go with this...


Samsung 500GB 850 EVO



Regular 7200 rpm drive...





Just keep in mind that the ps4 only uses Sata2 which is limited in speed so a pure SSD won't ever get max speeds of 500+ MB/s

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There has been extensive testing on PS4 hard drives.  See the below links.  While they are older testing results, it should give you a good basis for std vs hybrid vs SSD.  Hybrid was the best performance vs value.  I personally upgraded my PS4 hard drive with a 1T hybrid.   I noticed a small improvement in loading COD maps (usually 1-3 seconds).







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