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Trying to get a handle on Prioritisation for my specific purposes.

In case this is my connection results:

50 Down, 12 Up, Avg 12ms to 13ms ping.

I have multiple devices in my home. It is just me here so I don't share with anyone. Right now it is my phone, tablet, laptop connecting WIFI to R1. My desktop (MAC OSX) and XB1 are Hardwired to the R1.

Since it is just me, is there any reason not to give XB1 100% or maybe something like 90% and maybe the desktop 5% and let the rest of the devices have the rest since they are not being used. The only use I have with the desktop while gaming is accessing R1 panel and some basic web surfing, FB, YouTube, forums or maybe some work related stuff between games. Wasn't sure if you gave too much to XB1 if that would cause any possible performance lags. I know that sounds backwards but just curious if it would happen because the others weren't getting enough or is that more of a concern with the caps?

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Hey, given that gaming doesn't require much bandwidth you could leave it all equal with share excess and the devices will grab what they need. 


I would recommend 70/70 anti-flood & console in hyper traffic to prevent any spikes/jitter though.

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As Fraser said start with 70/70 and leave it equal and experiment with it from there.Try 80/80 or 60/60 play around with your settings if you feel like it but 70/70 and equal should be where everyone starts and will suit most users needs.

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