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What the crap? Why is there such a big glitch? why can not he be patched IMMEDIATELY? he destroys your kd. you have to play a more pleasurable because he is invincible WHAT SHOULD THE ??? !!!









greetz saalwe

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This has been out for a few weeks now and it is actually game breaking. I always watch kill cams to see if people ar glitching and will leave any game where it happens. Hit the share button and video it.

Then edit clip so you can see the glitcher and their gamer tag and send it to actiassist via facebook.

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Scumbags who do this. :angry:


SHG are too busy milking the DLC to care about this, heck there has been out of map glitches not fixed, wouldn't hold your breath on them fixing this soon, in the mean time more and more kids will find out about it and ruin the game for everyone. The solution to fix it yourself? Don't play round based game modes.

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Like konvict said if you want to avoid it stick to single round game modes.Or,last night i started running system hack and as soon as the second round starts use it and it will prevent them from calling it in and they more than likely will leave the game.


And if you find yourself on their team i just follow "the glitcher" around with an un silenced weapon and fire the whole game,which makes sure they never get a chance to earn their goliath and again they ended up leaving the game.


The point is you can either choose to leave the game or be an ass and ruin their gaming,like they are doing to everyone else.I choose to be an ass    :D

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This has now been hot patched on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. 


If you are playing on an older gen console, I'd suggest keeping away from multiple round gametypes for now. 

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