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So, i went to play a game today and have it all setup great. Geo, CC are all good (to me) BB is A+ A+ B.


Got in a game just fine and the game played fine too, no noticeable difference, as far as lag and hit detection was fine, actually pretty damn good, but.....


I was gettingCRAZY HIGH PING readings on the R1. It was Pinging me at 950-1200ms on the duma. In game XB1 BO3 80ms....?


any ideas? I tried another match and various things, reset, etc...Still gave me High ping readings.


Is there a malfunction going on? I have also noticed that sometimes the R1 control panel/dashboard takes forever to load. Like certain things like the Geo, CC setting page. All the software based widgets seem to not load. Interesting. It seems to do this when Im gaming at my CC setting are like the PIC below. I know i have plenty of Bandwidth to share. 200/20. even with these settings all other devices function great and load pages just fine, but not the duma???


let me know what you guys think. heres some photos. thanks :)

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Since you said "Any ideas"....  Have you tried unplugging and changing, or reversing, the cables in the set up to make sure everything is seated properly?

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Yea, Its all seated real good. Like i said gaming is great just R1 dashboard acting funny. getting the infinite loading. 


How would you recommend rearranging the ethernet cable on the duma? they all feel and look good...??? 

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Arris Dg1670a. Which I was using as a router also, but decided to run everything through the R1, which has been sooo much better.


Could it be v2 theme? I had it on and changed it back to default and rebooted the router and all is well again. Like said its intermittent. Maybe a bug in the theme? Idk.

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You have to reset your modem. I notice that some modem cant handle DSL report test and it causes an overload to the modem. So you have to try to reboot first if its still there then reset it. The problem is the modem.

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Lots of people are having problems with the GUI taking forever to load.  Myself included, especially on the CC tab and occasionally on the Geo tab.  When this happens, I click on the Settings tab, then click Miscellaneous and all the tabs seem to go back to loading normally.  Don't know why, but most of the time that works.


When it is acting up, right click on the page and "Inspect Element"  find the errors and take a screen shot.  Upload the screen shot of the errors so the Netduma team can see what the errors are.  It may help them diagnose.


Can't explain the Crazy High Ping, but it seems like if you were really at 900+ms your game would be hard to play and not feel like there was something off.

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Hmm. Will have that a go if it proceeds, but all a is well for now. Haven't had any issues with my modem.


Still Doesn't explain why my r1 is reading 900+ ms pings

the modem will cause your NetDuma to have 900ms

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I notice you mentioned in another thread changing to the default theme resolved the slow loading issue. Has this also resolved the incorrect ping readings as well? Good thing is you're getting great games it's just showing the ping incorrectly. 


Can you follow everything here regarding ping http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_can_t_i_ping& see if it shows correctly please.

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I notice you mentioned in another thread changing to the default theme resolved the slow loading issue. Has this also resolved the incorrect ping readings as well? Good thing is you're getting great games it's just showing the ping incorrectly.


Can you follow everything here regarding ping http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_can_t_i_ping& see if it shows correctly please.


Yes! Pings are reading normal now that I'm on default theme plus a reboot. All devices are disabled in VPN. I have a Mac so no anti-virus stuff. Not sure. :/

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